→✩←Karter made a promise to himself and that was to make sure paris was straight. that promise even includes her mom. He ended up getting them a home in the suburbs and paying the rent on it. Her mom gotten on her feet and started working at a clinic being the doctors assistant.
Paris haven't spoken to her cousins or aunt since last month. She don't talk to karter either but them bills get paid no matter what. Her & Kobe grew closer, she was going to his game , wearing his jersey and Briana who was claiming him didn't like that but after picking on her and trying to fight .. Kobe ended up exposing her so she could stop bothering paris.
Paris honestly felt bad for her and didn't like that. Made her feel like he would do Same thing if they got intimate. But her mind stills wonder to karter, she wonder what he doing , did he change his scent ?, do he think of her?, was he loving up on her cousin Chloe? , was he lying or telling the truth? So many questions that may go un answered.
Ever since they moved she felt like her brother been trying to show signs to her. Probably to let her know everything was okay or something could be wrong but she always felt his presence.
She decided she would go see a reader to see why she felt like he was trying to contact her.
"What you doing pretty lady?" Her and Kobe sat on face time talking while paris wrote in her journal. She enjoyed the company but he didn't give her that excitement and rush feeling karter did.
"Nothing just writing my thoughts down until my appointment, can you take me ?" She didn't know how to drive yet , so Kobe has been her transportation.
"I have few errands to run but I'm about to ask karter"she could hear the door opening before she could respond, she heard him speaking.
"Ask karter what ?" She rolled her eyes knowing he would still come if she reject.
"could you take her to her appointment"
"It's fine if you can't" paris responded wanting him to know he wasn't forced to.
" you going to have a attitude the whole ride?" Karter asked as the were in his audi truck on the way to the reader.
" I'm not upset, we don't have much to talk about but I'm thankful for what you have been doing for me and my family" her stomach felt weird when she said that. That's why she was going to the reader to see what was going on in her life and what is her brother trying to tell her.
"No problem" he gave he nod playing with his beard as they were approaching the place soon. She still had a crush on him but she knew better to ever get with kamari. He didn't like or respect her that much.
" why you staring so hard?" She heard karter say before chuckling. His dimple was so deep and the neck tats. She forgot she was looking at him play with his chin hair.
"Nothing was just thinking" she said being honest.
"what you was thinking about ma?"
"How you played in my face, how you came around and brought confusion, how you finally broke me from that depression shell I was in about my brother, just for you to hurt my feelings with my cousin, how you was the first person to ever kiss or touch me sexual and then ruined it. How I'm with your brother or talk to your brother whatever we are and you still crosses my mind some days. And it's crazy you only been in my life for 5 months but I already can write a page about you."
He was shock , she said it so calmly like it was normal. She didn't show a sign of angriness or hurt. She didn't show no emotions really, she spoke with her words and that made him feel some type away. He was looking at her point of view .
They pulled in to the reader place but before paris could get out he locked the door. Finally had enough courage & words to gather up his response. "I ain't perfect-"he took a deep breath before finishing his sentence not knowing how to express his self.
"But you stepped out on me first P, you went on that date with my brother first, you hurt me first so lets not play the blaming game here because I wanted to see you everyday , I wanted to be with you everyday and what I did was wrong but it never went as far, she came on to me and when it was for the head , I couldn't even get my dick hard for her, so we ain't even do nothing" paris only nodded her head not caring to hear anymore. Both were wrong and too stubborn to understand that.
"I will go in here with you"karter said going in to its the reader.
"Okay thanks" both exiting out of the car.
"Hello paris, hello karter" karter was confused on how the older women knew his name without him
telling her."Don't be confused, something or should I say someone told me you would be here" she gave him a wink before walking to her seat letting them know she could follow behind her.
" well paris you here today right to hear about you brother ?" She asked already knowing the answer.
" yes I am" paris said happy to begin the process.
" give me your hands please" paris gave her hands as both of them closer their eyes leaving karter confused and he had a wave of nervousness?
"He said stay away from the one you heart is begging for the most" paris was confused on who did her heart one.
" karter he said will you ever come clean to paris ?" Paris felt a presence sitting between her and karter.
"Tell her" she could hear a faint whisper. It made her nervous because she didn't know what was going on.
" tell me what karter ?" She kept her eyes close as a vision was starting to appear in her head. "NO" he screamed as the candle blew out.
Paris and Ms.Green opened their eyes at the same exact time seeing karter leaving the building. "He can't run from the truth" Ms.Green said still sitting as paris got up to chase behind him trying figure out what was going on. She felt drowsy as she was running in the street not seeing a car coming from being in a blur.
"PARIS WA-" it was too late and the car was already speeding hitting her as she was trying cross over.

Short StoryShe was tired of being hidden. He was tired of not being heard. They were tired of not being respected. Everyone deserves love