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"I'm so over it now , me and him haven't spoken in two weeks, I don't know what he expect me to do but I'm not chasing him" paris said to lucki as they both were sitting in the nail salon getting their toes done .

They had a girls day , taking care of things they needed done , especially after Charlie got the girls hair done once again. Charlie always made sure her hair was nice looking. She wanted the same for them .

" well I just say do you , you don't have wait on him , if he come around , he come and if he don't then he just don't" she nodded her head agreeing to lucki. Life goes on and she's not waiting on karter plus she was about to graduate soon.

" what color you getting ? WHITE " they end up saying at the same time before laughing . She was back to her normal life without it being confusion involved.

Paris walked pass Chloe room hearing her gossiping up on the phone but something made her stop mid walk hearing his name .

"Yes, i sucked him up and after that he practically ghosted me, I hope I didn't do bad" Chloe said sounding disappointed in herself.

"well you tried calling him?" The girl on speaker asked.

"yes , duh why wouldn't I ? It just keep going to voicemail I think he blocked me but karson invited him over today so I'm just see what's up" paris hurried up to her room , realizing they were wrapping the conversation up.

Part of her was sad ? She didn't know how to take it being that Chloe and karter didn't sexual things as well. She didn't know if he was trying get pay back from her being with Kobe but it wasn't that deep and she never touched Kobe.

"You still mad? Nobody Finna kiss yo ass Nigga." Kobe said mugging his brother who was ignoring him. He hated when karter got in these kinda moods because all they had was eachother really.

"All this over a girl you barely know , if anything I should be upset because I use to come home telling you about her and then all of a sudden you took a liking to her? You the foul one here Nigga, acting like a BITCH"  karter chuckled at Kobe rant. What he said was true, Kobe always came home talking about a girl name paris, she never was just a new face to him.

He knew her older brother that died.

"aye watch yo mouth lil Nigga" karter finally said something to Kobe after two weeks. "Or what ?" Karter bucked back. They wasn't going be fighting over paris no more. It's now becoming a respect thing.

"You know what I will do to you, get the fuck up out my face" which was true, Kobe wasn't scary and he could beat niggas ass but not karters. He couldn't stand a chance with his brother, he was quicker , faster and study people to know they moves. Kobe just walked out the house leaving not wanting be around karter.

Karter looked down at his phone, debating if he wanted to text her. He missed her soo much and haven't been sleeping these pass few days. He was too stubborn to admit that what she did , hurt his feelings.

Charlie laid beside paris both of them looking up at the ceiling. She noticed she never came out her room, wanting to know what was bothering her and paris told her everything. Charlie wasn't going fuss at Chloe, she didn't know and paris wasn't going to blame her either. It was all on karter, because he knew.

"It's okay if you don't want to come out for the rest of the night and it's okay if you don't speak to Chloe for some time but pain is only temporary if you don't let your thoughts control you or your emotions. Your a pretty girl and it's plenty people in the world who would enjoy you."  Charlie said squeezing paris hand.

"Thank you auntie I love you and i will be fine , no reason not to speak to my cousin over something she didn't know ... I feel like a idiot" paris said back thinking about karter. She wanted to say she started it but he went to hell with his pettiness.

" yes your- WHAT YALL NIGGAS DOING HERE ?" They heard kamari say downstairs. For some reason he was Always here.

Charlie and paris looked at each other before hopping off the bed to see who was in the home. When they got in the hall way they seen Chloe walking down with her ass hanging in the shortest short and crop top ever.

"I can't believe your fucking daughter thought she could come down looking like that" kamari said to Charlie as they sat around the living room but Chloe because kamari cursed her out and embarrassed her infront of karter, making her go to her room .

It was karter and Kobe at the door. But when paris seen it was them she turnt right back around going up the steps.

" yeah we need to go have a talk with her , now that you brought that up again because it has to stop"Charlie said, both parent's disappointed in their daughter actions .

"Excuse us karter and Kobe ... I will send karson, paris & Karly down" they nodded their head as Charlie and kamari made their way up the steps to discipline Chloe.

Karter was happy paris was going come back down again or so he thought.

It's been two hours since Kobe and karter been there. She never came down but Kobe came in her room watching cartoons until he dozed off. She was on Pinterest on her iPad until she heard knocking at the door.

" who is it ?"

" Me" she recognize it was karter voice behind it making her roll her eyes.

" go away" she didn't care for his company or his sorrows. He stayed silence until he busted through the door.

" when have I ever started listening ?" He said seeing Kobe laying at the foot of the bed knocked out. Making him angry again and not wanting to apologize.

" why are you bothering me when you clearly entertaining my cousin? That's so messy of you first of all but I see you like to keep it in the family." He chuckled at her sassiness.

"The bitch asked me to pull up to serve her then tried to top me off but my dick ain't get hard." She scrunched up her face, hearing him call Chloe out her name.

"Don't disrespect her, her name is Chloe not the B word and that's not what I heard and I don't care what happened honestly because it's two stories being told just get out" she responded ready for him to leave so she could lay down.

" but lis- WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER CHARLIE?" paris heard her mother screaming.

A/N:It's about to get good🙈

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