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3 months later

"How the fuck she find out?" Paris could hear kamari voice on the other side of the hospital door. Disappointment was at a all time high right now, she didn't deserve none of this but maybe she did ?

" I don't know , she woke up from her coma and she had everything figured out Nigga" karter knew eventually that she would catch on to him but she felt like kamari could tell his side as well.

"Well let's just get this shit over with, seem like the whole family will be ruined in a moment" karter nodded his head agreeing before walking in paris hospital room with kamari behind him.

"Wassup, how you feeling ?" She just stared at kamari, didn't give him a answer back when usually she would be excited to talk to him but life changed just as fast as time do, you never know what will happen. Kamari cleared his voice as him and karter took a seat.

" well let's not beat around the bush here, I will go first" kamari said first. Rubbing his hands together.


" who you is lil Nigga?" Kamari was finally coming back from his death ready to visit his friends. He stopped at the gas station that night, about To go see Arron. He wasn't a idiot he stayed in the dope game but he made Aaron the face.

"Who you is Nigga ?" The unknown kid said mugging as held on to his little brother hand. He looked to be around seven or eight with his brother being six or five . Him & his brother look like they were poor with no where to go. Mom probably on drugs and dad killed, in jail or don't want them.

"Y'all look too young be roaming the street and y'all look hungry, where y'all momma ?" Kamari asked being curious. Him becoming a dad made him feel for kids but not only that, his heart was big regardless.

"We don't have one"

"What's y'all names?"

"I don't know , they change it every time we have go to a group home" Kamari nodded his head in understanding.

" Ight follow me" kamari unlocked his Merceds for the two young boys to hop inside. He was glad that he moved Charlie and the kids to Miami, having enough living space for the two young's boys to stay with him for a while because for some reason his heart ached for them .

" y'all hungry ?" He looked in the backseat with both boys shaking his head. Kamari wasn't ready for double kids, he was shock Charlie had the twins but he had enough money for them of course. He always wanted a lot of sons though.

" alright , I'm stop by McDonald's, put on y'all seat belts"

"Slow down, I promise it's not going no where and if it do, I can make you something" the oldest brother kinda felt ashamed from kamari words but they haven't ate in weeks and he never taste McDonald's, so to him the meal was foreign.

"How did y'all escape? They usually spilt kids up in group homes"

" I broke us out, they kept trying touch me and I ain't like that , so went and got my brother while everyone was playing at the park and broke us out"

" you remind me of someone who I felt like would've protected me. I didn't know him well but he always gave off protective and hiding his emotions, to the point he rather Jill himself then speak on them" Kamari never spoke on it but knowing he was twin, to his twin killing himself probably cross his mind every day randomly . He wish he finished up faster to save him , like how he came saving kamari.

" what was his name ?" The little boy said wanting hear more about the person who was describe exactly like him.

"Karter, his name was karter"

" oouu I like that name , can I have it ?" Kamari smiled, the little boy brighten his mood some. He felt like his brother probably sent him in a away because even though he had a small amount of time with him, the stranger in his face right now acts exactly like him.

"Yeah lil man, you can be karter and your brother can be kobe" after that kamari raised the two like their was he's. When Charlie finally found out about them, she stayed away from Kamari from awhile , not even letting the kids visit but eh didn't care.


" y'all not telling me why my brother was killed. Why was HE KILLED KAMARI? SOME ONE WHO LOOKED UP TO YOU !!! SOME YOU CALLED YOUR NEPHEW! You no better than your kids mother" paris said in disgust. She was disgusted in everyone she once loved and they couldn't do no wrong to.

" HE WAS TELLING MY BUSINESS TO AARON!!! It was either me or HIM and I'm sorry paris but I was choosing me. You can play this good innocent role but you all know snitches have to die. Family or not. Jeremy was helping Aaron kill me" and after that kamari got up and walked out the hospital. He regret that he had kill someone he consider family but Aaron would've killed all of them if he was able to get kamari gone.

What was worse ? One person or everyone ? Even Jeremy was planned to be killed regardless of who did it .

" uhh" paris groaned waking up out her sleep sweating badly. Everytime she been sleeping , she been dreaming of the talk she had in the hospital with karter and kamari . And that her brother is gone.

She also been throwing up lately, having to finish school early online believe that's the reason she was sick. Kobe been taking care of her, you could say they lived together but she still didn't enjoy him. The night she lost her virginity she cried the next day after, trying burn his body off her. She don't remember much, she do know that she should've never did it.

She changed her number & disabled all her pages so karter couldn't contact her. But when she got up, to go get water she realize Kobe wasn't next to her.

" KOBE .... KOBE" she got down the steps and still didn't hear him. She decide not to stress it and felt like her probably left in the middle of night to go home.

She walked to the fridge to grab a water bottle and soon as she took her first sip the house phone started ringing. Only Kobe and karter knew that number so he must called let her know because he know she wakes up from the nightmare.

" hello?" She asked but all she heard was heavy breathing .

" karter stop playi- paris they- they .. FUCKKKK" he screamed sounding like he was losing his mind.

" they killed kobe and Chloe" and after those word she dropped to the floor fainting.

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