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"Im nervous, I'm really about to have a baby, what if I'm not good enough? " Paris said as they were going to see what gender they were having. She wanted a baby boy but she would also be excited for a girl.

"Don't be ma, you will be amazing , you always good enough" the two has been happier than ever. After being sad for so long the only thing that can happen is happiness.

They talked for awhile until the doctor came in to start. "oou that's cold" paris said jumping feeling the gel get rubbed on her belly. This moment didn't feel real at all, she was happy , she was having a baby and someone she should stay far away from is her lover.

"Sorry mom, we almost finish... are you guys excited to see your little bundle of joy and hear their heart beat?" Karter looked at paris who was already staring at him. "Yeah we ready" he spoke for the both of them.

"Ok well let's not wait any longer , let's get started" she said turning on the sonogram for them to be able to see and hear the baby on the screen. The first heart beat to be heard brought tears to paris eyes, she couldn't believe she was creating a life in her tummy.

"Aww look at that mom and dad, you guys baby is very healthy and breathing is perfect , good job mom" paris looked at karter who looked scared to blink as if he would miss a moment.

"Are we excited for the gender ?" The doctor asked looking at both of them. " YES!" They both said at once. Too excited to wait any longer to know what she will be carrying.

"Well you guys are having a beautiful healthy baby boy , congratulations" both was happy to hear this news. They didn't think much on what gender they wanted but they honestly didn't care. The baby was keeping them sane if you asked, life has been doing great with paris being pregnant and overall bringing happiness.

"Karter my feet hurts, can we stop shopping for the baby now?" He dragged her in any store he could think of buying the baby Everything that was made for babies. She was convinced the baby had more things than her and she has been alive longer.

"Yeah, we can stop for today ma, I just want my lil Nigga to have everything the world can offer him" karter said walking beside paris grabbing her hand. He looked like a big kid in a candy store who mother said he can have any candy he wanted.

"Trust me karter he will be fine, don't spoil him by materialistic things, he will want your love before anything" both agreeing to that statement. Karter never had love as a kid and paris felt like she was pushing her mother love away, trying to be with Charlie.

She was excited to have a boy, she felt like someone was giving karter a redo of loving someone just as much as he loved his brother even if that's a little bit more. She wasn't ready for a girl, she wasn't even ready for her self yet. She was still figuring out life and she wanted to be able to teach her things about life and self love in ways she never learnt how.

As the continued to walk to car with bags in their hands, paris heard karter talking making her snap back into reality.

"I miss him" he blurted out making her turn her head to look at him. The mall did linger a scent that was smelling exactly like Kobe. She misses him too, she also misses her cousins. Deciding she didn't want to be angry no more, all that brought was cries and deaths.

" I miss him too, I miss them both" she held his hand a little bit more tight to let him know she was there for him. Life has been moving pretty quickly but that's just life when something new joins yours, you start doing things you never did , experience things you never thought too and viewing things you never thought you would see.

"Do you care to know more about yourself ? Your real name? not the one kamari gave you, like karter and you remember your mom being beaten by your dad but you got so caught up in the Forster care web you forgot your name".

paris wanted to know about him and not the person kamari made him to be. Maybe kamari felt like karter life was just like his brothers karter. Or he wanted to recreate their life and bond through him.

"Yeah I'm start doing research on myself or pay someone , it was so hard to bury  Kobe because even though our names got changed and all the information, he really still don't show in the system. It's like our lives matter less to the world." She hummed as they made it to the car, helping him put the bags inside before making her way to the passenger seat, too sleepy to wait any longer, deciding she would just take a nap in the car on the way home.

As karter got inside and turnt on the car, the cool breeze instantly hit her face making her really relax into her seat "I love you" she could hear him say, " I love you too papa" he always told her as she was dozing off, wanting that to be the last thing she would always hear from him or anyone.

As paris was putting away the last dish, she heard her door bell ring making her walk to it, as karter was in the shower. No one knew where she stayed, making her curious on who was at her door, this time of night.

"Who is it?"

"Me & your family" she could her karly voice, she felt coldness and chills, she been ducking from them for so long just for them to pop up on her. She opened the door to see karson, Karly , Charlie and kamari standing there with gifts that look like majority was for the baby.

Even if Charlie did evil things, the good girl isn't always perfect and the bad girl isn't always evil.  That's who paris held eye contact with the most as they walked inside, when Charlie dropped the items, she immediately gave paris a tight hug "I miss you soo much and it's time to forgive myself & I hope my sister and you will  forgives me too" it was time to start a better family.

"Paris who is that ?" Lauren said up the steps, letting them know she was making her approach.

just because you forgive doesn't mean a person forget.

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