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1086 Not Recognize The Real Master

"Tsk, how shameless! She came to take their assets from them as a foster daughter."

"Right! Shameless indeed!"

"This girl is different now. Did you see her outfit? That's a very popular brand recently and it's pretty expensive too. Plus, she drives a BMW! With her seductive face, who knows which old man kept her as his mistress?!"

"What is the Old Master thinking? He already has Miss Krystal, yet he wanted to adopt another girl from the countryside!"


"Chatting very happily, aren't we?! Who's the girl? Hmm?"

As the big bunch of servants was gossiping happily, a cold voice came from behind. Everyone was shocked and they turned around.

"A bunch of servants biting your master's tail, eh? Is this the standard of the Kim family's servants?" A woman in her thirties reprimanded them. She had short hair and wore a champagne-colored dress, looking very much like the epitome of a strong woman.

Kim Ji-yeon was the cousin of Kim Woobin and Kim Haechul. Her parents had passed away early, so she left home and ventured overseas. Rumor was that her business was going really well and that she had married into a good family. It had been many years since she last came back. Her name was sometimes brought up in conversations because of how well she was doing overseas and some of the older servants in the Kim family knew about her.

Even after so many years, the intimidating aura she gave off was still the same.

"W-we're talking about Ms. Jennie, not Ms. Krystal..."

"That's right! We're talking about the countryside girl!"

Ji-yeon was not someone to pick fights with, so they quickly explained to her.

Ji-yeon glared at all of them, her tone going even colder. "Why would I have to scold you all if you guys were talking about Krystal!?"

Ridiculous! The servants could not even recognize their real master now! If it was not for her uncle's call, she really did not want to come back.

"Miss... She... What does she mean? What does she mean she wouldn't have scolded us if we were talking about Ms. Krystal?"

"Who knows!?"

"Actually, I realized that Ji-yeon did not like Ms. Krystal many years ago. I don't understand what went wrong between them..."

They started gossiping again, discussing the capable Ji-yeon's legendary life.


When Jennie stepped into the study room, she saw that everyone else had arrived. Kim Woobin, Park Minyoung, Krystal, Kim Haechul, and Irene were there. Even Jongin attended the session.

"Jennie, you're here! Come to Grandfather!" The elder's serious expression broke into a smile the moment he saw Jennie.

Jennie had put on peach-themed makeup today, matching her youthful outfit. The elder was pleased that she looked healthy and happy.

Ignoring the cold glares from multiple directions, Jennie went up to her grandfather smilingly.

"Grandfather, are you alright? How was the herbal medicine prescription I gave you the last time? Was it effective?"

The elder was excited to update her. "Ah, I was just about to tell you! The prescription you gave me worked like a charm! My headache stopped and I stopped sweating when I slept. I can even walk more now! Look at me walk!"

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