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1026 Teach Little Treasure To Play Cards

"It's as if you didn't say anything!"

If she knew what Song Jin's desire was, would she be running around like a headless chicken?

She watched the little bun eat with one hand and feed the rabbit grass with the other, his huge eyes filled with a liveliness that was not usually there.

Jennie tilted her head and wiped the little bun's mouth, her mood suddenly better again.

This place was a little far and it was a desolate countryside, so she was initially worried that the little bun would not adapt well, but who knew that this guy would be having so much fun? In fact, he was not feeling tired. It looked like she could bring the little bun out for more fun outings in the future!

Nature is always the best medicine!

When he watched Jennie's motherly expression, it was hard for Mino to describe his feelings...

Not too far away, Song Jin had finished his lunch very quickly and returned to work in the paddy fields.

Jennie and the rest lay down in the forest to take a short nap. When they woke up in the afternoon, Jennie continued to lead them to a few fun spots.

The four of them enjoyed themselves until the evening, and as they were prepared to go home, it suddenly poured.

In fact, it started raining cats and dogs without any warning signs at all!

The little bun anxiously protected the rabbit in his arms while Jennie quickly carried the little bun. Jisoo took off his jacket to wrap the little bun in it before the four of them rushed out of the village.

However, it would take at least half an hour to get out of the village. With the torrential rain, the roads would only become increasingly difficult to walk through. It was quite a terrible situation.

Jennie was sputtering in the rain, "Hey! What the hell!? This rain won't pour when it should, and it pours when it shouldn't!"

"What's the nearest place we can take shelter in?" Mino asked.

"There's only Elder Song's house around here but that's impossible...Elder Song wouldn't allow any strangers into his home! The last time, I wanted to go in for a drink but I was rejected!" Jennie said.

Just as the two spoke, they passed by Elder Song's home.

The moment that they were hesitating about whether or not to ask for help, the courtyard's door suddenly flew open. Song Jin stood at the door and peered at them. "Come on in!"

Eh? He had actually invited them himself?

How did such an amazing thing happen?

"Thank you, Mr. Song!" Jennie did not have time to think. She quickly carried the little bun in.

"Thank you, Elder!" Mino and Jisoo chirped.

Song Jin's attitude remained indifferent. "I'm just doing it for the child."

Jennie put down the little bun. "Baby, quickly thank Grandfather Song!"

The little bun nodded as he put the rabbit in his mother's hands, then he took out his writing board and wrote earnestly, "Thank you, Grandfather."

When he saw that Little Treasure was interacting with him using a writing board, Song Jin was slightly astonished for a moment. Still, when he read Little Treasure's words clearly, surprise flashed across his eyes.

This boy was so young, yet he had written so well!

The rain poured endlessly outside; it looked like it would not stop very soon.

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