I walk into art the next day, ready to work. I haven't seen Harry all day which, I won't lie, made me kind of upset. I plan on using this period to take my mind off of him.
I sit down in my spot near the middle and anxiously wait for Ms. Smith to come in and give us our assignment.
Our assignment is to draw what we're afraid of but not in it's usual form. When I asked what she meant, she explained. If you're afraid of snakes, don't draw snakes. Instead, draw something that resembles a snake or could take place of one. I was still a little confused but I nodded anyways.
I tried putting my pencil to the paper multiple times but I couldn't think of anything to draw. I'm afraid of a lot of things: spiders, dying, drowning...falling in love.
Eventually, I decide to draw a terrified face that has an open mouth with bubbles coming out of it to symbolize drowning. It's not the most creative thing I could've done but it's the best I could do. I wasted half my time thinking about him.
When I stood up to turn in my paper, I noticed the work of the girl beside me. Her paper was a little girl, a middle aged woman, and an elderly woman. With each girl, there was a certain amount of her replaced with black. The little girl had the least and the elderly woman had the most. I suddenly realized what she was afraid of: death.
"That's really good." I said pointing to her paper.
"Thanks. I'm Hollis." She extended her hand which I shook.
"I'm Aria."
"Can I see what you drew?" She asked, trying to sneak a look at my paper.
I showed her and she studied it closely.
"Drowning?" She asked.
"Exactly! I was afraid no one would get it." I laughed.
"It's good, you should stop doubting yourself." I smiled at her then left to turn my paper in.
I sat back down next to Hollis and watched her finish her drawing. She leaned in slightly and the tip of her tongue peaked out of her mouth while she worked. She seemed really into it. She held up her masterpiece and her aqua eyes light up with how it turned out. She seems so satisfied with what she's made. I wish one day to be as confident as she is.
Hollis sits back down next to me after turning in her paper. She runs her hands through her strawberry blonde pixie cut and sighs.
"Art is hard work." She jokes.
"Tell me about it," I agree, "especially when you're as good at it as you are." I say with all sincerity.
"Wow, I love a good suck up." My face falls. I was hoping we could become friends. I wasn't trying to suck up to her.
"I'm kidding Aria. Take a joke." I'm instantly relieved that she doesn't hate me but I don't appreciate it when people tell me to 'take a joke'. I decide to let this time slide.
The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day and Hollis and I walk out of class together.
"Here's my number," She hands me a small piece of paper. "I'll see you tomorrow Aria." She says with a cheerful smile.
Yeah. The last time someone said that to me, it didn't happen. I say to myself.
I just smile and wave as I search for Liam in the crowd of people.
. . .
"I made another friend today." I inform Liam during our ride home.
"Is it another 'guy friend'?" He chuckles.
"No, it's a girl named Hollis. She's in my art class."
"Good, good." He replies, seemingly lost in thought.
"What's on your mind?" I ask, snapping him out of whatever he was thinking about.
"Nothing, I'm just thinking about this stupid contest that the seniors do."
I decide to drop the conversation. I'm not very interested in what the upperclassmen are doing with their last year of high school.
"What about you? Have you made any friends?" I decide it'd be rude not to ask him. I don't really care about the answer; I just feel like he's been the one that asks all the questions.
"I've made a friend or two." He smiles. One of them is obviously a special friend.
"Have you made any friends that are girls?" I push.
"How could you tell?" He chuckles.
"Your eyes lit up at the mention of a 'friend'. Who is she?"
"Her name is Sophia." I giggle. I find it hilarious how he loves talking about her. He must really like her.
"So is she your friend that's a girl or is she your girlfriend?" I can't help but ask. Liam's smile reaches his ears.
"She's not my girlfriend yet, Aria." He replies, mimicking my use of the word girlfriend.
"What do you mean 'yet'? You're going to ask her out, aren't you?" I squeal.
"Ok, calm down. Any more excitement would cause us to crash."
I sit back in the passenger seat and study my brother's face. This Sophia girl really makes him happy. I hope she says yes when he asks her to be his girlfriend.
. . .
I contemplate texting Harry but every time I remember that I don't have his number. I sigh in defeat and pull my legs to my chest. I wish I had another girl to vent to. I could call my mom but I'm sure she's off at clubs, dancing with strangers. That's what she did when she and my dad were together; I bet that's what she still does now.
I reach in my pocket and find Hollis' phone number on the paper she gave me.
hey, are you doing anything? This is Aria by the way.
I need to vent to someone, it might as well be my only friend.
No, why?
I need to vent. You probably don't care about my boy problems though.
I suddenly feel silly ranting to someone I just met that day. Then again, that should mean I feel silly liking someone I'd met the day before.
Trust me, I'm basically the best person to ask for guy help.
I'm thankful that she's willing to help but I'm still reluctant to pour my heart and soul out to her over text message.
Are you sure? I don't want to waste your time.
Aria, just vent.
A/N- Hey! I hope you liked this chapter (it was a little longer than the others have been). I'm planning on making the chapters longer and updating them less frequently than I have been. I have a lot planned for this fanfiction so I hope you guys are as excited as I am. If you have the time, please vote and comment on this chapter and follow me on twitter @bchoranxx

the freshmen 500 || h.s
Fanfiction"when were you going to tell me?" "I didn't want to lose you."