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Craig Tucker and Tweek Tweak had been streaming games together for a while now, and their fans loved watching them play.

One day, while they were streaming, Tweek accidentally called Craig "babe." The slip-up didn't go unnoticed by their fans, who immediately began to question whether the two were dating.

Craig and Tweek were hesitant to reveal their relationship to their fans, but as time went on, it became harder and harder to keep it a secret. But they didn't want to lose their fans, so they decided to be discreet and not blatantly confirm or deny any rumors.

Their fans, on the other hand, were anything but discreet. They relentlessly dug through social media accounts and streams to find any hint of a romantic relationship between the two. Finally, one day, the evidence was too overwhelming to ignore.

The next time they streamed, there was a flood of messages in the chat box asking if they were a couple. Craig and Tweek exchanged a knowing glance, and Craig finally spoke up.

"Yeah, we are," he said simply. "We didn't want it to affect our partnership, but we figured it's time to come clean."

There was a moment of silence on the stream, and then the chat box erupted in cheers and messages of support. Craig and Tweek were relieved that it had gone over well and grateful for the fans who had stuck by them the whole time.

And from that day on, Craig and Tweek continued to game and stream together, happy and in love. The end.

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