Stitched Hearts

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Summary: When Tweek's shirt gets torn during a rough game of Frisbee, Craig steps in to fix it, leading to a heartwarming moment between the two.


It was a sunny afternoon in South Park, and Tweek and Craig were enjoying a game of Frisbee at the park. Their laughter filled the air as they threw the disc back and forth, their competitive spirits shining through.

But in the midst of their fun, disaster struck. Tweek dove to catch the Frisbee, his shirt snagging on a sharp branch. A loud rip echoed through the park, and Tweek's face turned pale as he looked down at the tear in his favorite shirt.

"Oh no, my shirt!" Tweek exclaimed, his voice filled with panic.

Craig, ever the calm and collected one, walked over to Tweek, a small smile on his face. "Don't worry, Tweek. I can fix it," he said, his voice reassuring.

Tweek watched in awe as Craig pulled out a small sewing kit from his backpack. With nimble fingers, Craig carefully threaded the needle and began to stitch the torn fabric back together. Tweek couldn't help but stare at Craig, his heart swelling with admiration for his boyfriend's skill and thoughtfulness.

As Craig worked, Tweek's anxiety began to fade away. The rhythmic sound of the needle piercing the fabric became a soothing melody, and Tweek found himself lost in the moment, his worries melting away.

After what felt like an eternity, Craig tied off the last stitch and looked up at Tweek, a satisfied smile on his face. "There you go, good as new," he said, holding up the shirt for Tweek to see.

Tweek's eyes widened in amazement. The tear was completely gone, as if it had never happened. He couldn't help but throw his arms around Craig, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, Craig," Tweek whispered, his voice filled with gratitude.

Craig hugged Tweek back, his arms wrapping around him protectively. "You're welcome, Tweek. I'll always be here to fix anything that's broken."

And in that moment, as they stood there in each other's arms, Tweek realized that Craig wasn't just talking about shirts. Craig was there to mend his heart, to be his rock in times of need.


I hope you enjoyed the fanfic!

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