Romeo & Juliet [7]

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We all agree to go to the wreak after a moment of silence. My shift was in less then an hour and I didn't want Kies dad to be mad at me. So what, I think I'm the only friend her parents like. I make my way around to the booth my friends are sitting at after getting to all my other tables.

"You know, a beer would really make this a whole lot better," Jj says looking to me.

"Well I couldn't serve you beer even if I wanted to because I'm not 21," I say putting both my hands on to the end of the table. Jjs eyes immediately flicker to my chest before flickering back to my eyes. I can't help but smirk. "I can get you a coke tho."

"Yeah a cokes fine," he says avoiding my eyes.

"Okay," I chuckle as I walk away. I swear I felt a pair of eyes on me as I walk away but I didn't wanna look back. I go into the kitchen and go to clock out being as today was a slow day and my shift was coming to an end.

I walk out of the back with Jjs coke and make eye contact with a very familiar red head. Lily.  I speed walk over to the pouges table and sit myself next to Kie across from Jj. I slide my head down into the booth so you can't see me from behind.

"What are you doing?" Jj asks trying to hold back his laughter.

"Hide me," I say in a hushed whisper

"Why?" Pope asks.

"Well if you look behind me you'll see a very familiar red head, who I may or may not have left on very bad terms with ," I say in a rushed tone .

"Where's my coke," Jj asks leaning into his seat. I shove the coke I brought towards him.

"She's gone," Jj says and I sit back up straight.

Just then the redhead makes her way over to our table in a uniform.

"Have you guys been helped yet-Becca?" Says cutting off the ending.

"Hey..," I drily chuckle I look over to Jj with wide eyes. "We were just finishing up."

The redhead stays there moving her weight to one of her legs crossing her arms."You don't like what I told you, fine. You don't have to be a dick about it." She says slapping the bill on the table.

How she got our tables bill, I don't know. I look over to my friends knowing out of everyone at the table we all have around a combined $5.

I'm the first to make a run for it. Sliding out of the booth and booking it to the door. And with the sound of footsteps behind me, my friends aren't too far behind.

"Go Becca go!" John B yells pointing to the Twinkie. I run to the Twinkie opening and holding open the sliding door for the pouges. Kie, Pope, and Jj pile in and John B jumps into the drivers seat starting the Twinkie.

"Wait!" Lily yells.

"I'm sorry!" I shout as I close the door leaving the poor girl by herself.

"Wanna explain what that was about?" Pope asks.

"Yeah I didn't get a chance to finish my coke," Jj says earning a slap from Kie.

"I kissed her at the kegger and she told me to call he but as soon as I got a message from her I kinda sorta blocked her number," I say. "Then we got into a pretty heated conversation a couple days ago."

"And why would you do that?" Pope questions.

"Why not," I say shrugging my shoulders knowing damn well I was lying through my teeth, they didn't need to know that.

"Oh my god..," Pope says sitting back into his seat as Jj leans closer to me whispering in my ear.

"So that means your still single?"

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