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Hesi massaged her neck, striding out of Yobekh's lengthy lecture about Mayaware child-rearing

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Hesi massaged her neck, striding out of Yobekh's lengthy lecture about Mayaware child-rearing. She glanced at the brides who chatted with one another, congratulating each other for living through the ordeal. The threat of losing their lives hung over their heads, but the naïve corner of their minds dared to hope that they were the chosen bride and would therefore keep their lives.

But Hesi knew.

They would die today.

"Hesi, which fruit do you like for the midday meal?" Isueri sidled close and clutched her arm. The woman's doe-like eyes blinked up at her since she stood inches shorter than Hesi. "I bet you love a good charbi."

The memory of the bright red succulents she harvested on her last day with her siblings came to mind. It took everything in her to tamp an oncoming wince. She smiled at the woman instead. "It doesn't matter. I like anything," she replied. "What about Barteset?"

Through the months of interacting with the brides, Hesi found out she could deflect any unwanted attention by pointing to the older woman. The others would naturally float towards her and forget about Hesi. Though she only did it when they asked her questions she didn't want to answer or ones she simply didn't have answers to.

But Isueri wasn't deterred. The brides loitered by the bridal palace, waiting for her. She didn't see them do that. Not once. They usually went out on their business as soon as Yobekh's lecture ended. Hesi would then be free to tear off the group and bug Kharta instead.

"We never got to thank you." Tagara came up to Hesi and took her hand. "For more than the combat lesson."

Khono, with her desert-blonde hair and impish smile, joined Tagara and laid a gentle hand on Hesi's arm. Hesi never interacted with her, but since Rehema and Semret died, she and Otraqte drew nearer. "You may not realize it, but you gave us something important during these trying months," she said. "You gave us strength."

"Courage," Petra added.

"And perhaps, the most important thing of all." Barteset's chin rose, and her gaze leveled when she pushed past the younger women and came up before Hesi. "Hope."

Hesi averted her eyes. What would they feel once they realize the things Hesi knew? When she failed to kill Mezo despite the chance he afforded her, when she doomed the brides to a life cut short? No secret would stay hidden for eternity. No lie would live on to become the truth.

"I'm sorry for slapping you." Asrate's voice, usually deep, bordered on discordant. "It was the heat of the moment, and I—"

She didn't get to finish when Hesi lurched forward, heart on her throat. Their bodies knocked together as Hesi threw her arms around Asrate's neck, holding on for dear life. Tears threatened to fall, but she held them back. They weren't because of happiness. Regret, guilt, and shame. They were that kind of tears.

Asrate, not sensing something was wrong, patted Hesi's back. The brides gathered and squashed each other with open arms and warmth. They didn't know. They wouldn't know what Hesi did, but she should tell them. It was the last thing she could do before the Mayaware soldiers seized them as the High Prince declared Hesi as the winning bride.

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