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So, I just finished mopping up ONC 2022's mess. Hooray, me.

The story with Kolibrie is, in fact, short and boring. One half of it is already in the novella version, so I suggest checking that out as well. Lol. But, I guess it goes without saying—this novel is an improved version of the novella and I don't think I even improved it. I just made it longer and more...complicated.

But, there were some major changes in the execution and character arcs that I wasn't able to do in the novella, ranging from the real intent of what's going to happen with the demon prince and Hesi to what the other brides have done in the final battle. I have also added one scene in the ending that really tied off the whole thing, doing away the abrupt ending I did for the novella version. So...yeah. A lot has changed. xD

And what's a story without the acknowledgement section, right? So, here's me going to mention a bunch of people that I've been thanking time and again, because oh boy, I speed-wrote this in the last three weeks of April.

To my SWF fam who continue to be my safe place and constants in the online writing world (Waterbender_poet, TessaTuring, and AmnerisTenjo), huge huge thanks for staying through everything else and for making up our half-ded server. To Tessa and Jade, the Flemish peeps who helped with the Dutch translation of everything you see here that's not English, thanks for pushing through and for making me learn more vocabulary more than Duolingo can. You guys just completed the vibe, and for that, thank you.

To my chaotic fluffs who have been with Kolibrie since its earliest conception, SuVida777, the-reticent-seer, and TypedInk, thanks so much for all your help in refining the blurb and answering despite the busyness of our lives. Thanks for being there, for answering when I call, and for being awesome, awesome friends. Uwu.

To the readers who have read the novella, thank you so much for spending time with that trashfire draft. I hope, if ever you found the time to read the 70k-word version of it, that I brought justice to the characters and their struggles, finally. Thank you for joining me in the ONC craze over a year ago. Thanks for visiting again just in time for this year's ONC. Thanks for finding me in the vast sea of Wattpad stories and for sticking with me until the end. :))

To the judges of the ONC 2022, thank you for thinking the roughest version of Kolibrie is worth its place in the contest. I was honestly so surprised to even make it to the shortlist, much more to the grandwinners panel. Thank you for validating my writing skills and for giving me the confidence to keep pushing, to keep writing despite all the setbacks I've been experiencing. Thanks for setting fire to my queue (unintentionally, of course) and for all the work you do for the sake of this contest.

And finally, thanks to Wattpad to have let me post this thing in the platform, and for the gazillion mirror sites that will lift this story later on.

This acknowledgment section is short and I might have missed some people, but it is what it is. xD

To see what comes next after this story, add The Guide to the Arcane Universes to your private library. You'll get notifications of upcoming releases and all that pizzaz. So, finally, I'll be closing the curtains to Kolibrie and ONC 2022 in general with the conclusion of this story. What a huge, huge relief.

It's nice to have you here. See you around. ;)


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