Safe & Sound? (Chp 2)

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Elena's POV  

My hand hovered over my mouth as I yawned. My toes curled as my feet landed on the cold floor. I headed downstairs to loud knocking in the front. As I opened the door my hands instantly pulled my sweater tighter around me. I looked into those familiar green eyes with a smile.  

"Hi Harry"  

"Hello Elena. Did I wake you up? I'm sorry I didn't know when was a good time"  

"No don't worry about it. I just lay in all day even though it's 4 pm and I should be doing something fun. Please come in I don't want you freezing." I moved aside so he could come in. But before he did he wiped his feet on the door mat.  

"Very beautiful home" His head moved from side to side checking everything inside.  

"Thank you" I led us into the kitchen and sat on one of the chairs by the island.  

"You might find it strange that I showed up at your house I'm not trying to be creppy or anything. You just left this in my car" His hands searched in his pocket and he took out my light pink wallet. My hands caressed his as I took it from him.  

"Thank you so much Harry. I don't know what I would do without it." 


"Do you want some tea or bread or something?"  

"Tea and something would be very nice" I giggled and turned to brew up some tea.  

"So do you live here?"  

"I just moved here again this is my second time moving here. I went home for two years then I decided I liked it here better"  

"Yeah London is very nice and quite"  

"Cold is why I like it here"  

"Really? I like warm places like California"  

"Well when you live there for almost your whole life the sun gets pretty tiring" He chuckled and silence took over. Once the tea was done I served us both tea and brought a plate of biscuits. He thanked me and took a sip humming in approval. Before another conversation could start up again the phone rang.  

"Sorry" Excusing myself I went to the phone. Of course it was my mom she always called whenever she had the chance.  

"Hello Mom"  

"Hey sweetie how's everything going?"  

"It's good as it always is mom" I roll my eyes and smile at her panic.  

"I know sweetheart but I miss having you so close" I continue to talk to her as Harry watches me intently. Looking into his eyes I notice a hint of guilt as if he had done something wrong.  

"Guess what?"  

"What mom?"  

"Tomorrow at 2 am sharp open your door there will be something waiting for you" I giggled and wondered what could possibly be waiting for me.  

"Ok I promise to try really hard and wake up at that time because 2 am is a tad early"  

"No promises you must."  

"Ok mom I will. I love you very much. Get dad and Noah on speaker" I heard shuffling and my mothers screams scolding the boys.  

"Hey El-bear"  

"Hey big brother"  

"Where's my Eli-poo?"  

"Hi daddy"  

"How have you been doing sweetheart?"  

"Really good dad I really love it here. If you guys ever come and visit I promise to give you the ultimate VIP tour"  

"Will the queen be attending?"  

"No mom."  

"Well Eli-poo it's late here remember"  

"Oh yes sorry to keep you waiting. I love you all very much. I love you and miss you all a lot"  

"We love you too and see you very soon." They said unison. I said my finally goodbye and hung the phone on the hook. Walking back I sat back down and Harry's concentration on his phone was cut short.  

"Sorry to keep you waiting" He nodded no as he drank from his tea. 

"No worries I'd talk to my family all day if I was far away from them" Smiling I put a small strand of my hair behind my ear.  

"I don't mean to be rude but I really don't know anything about you it kind of makes me uneasy"  

"Oh we'll madamoselle I am Harry Styles and I am at your service" He took my hand and gently placed his lips on it. I giggled at his silliness.  

"I was born in February 1st in 199-" My hand immediately popped up stopping him from the start of a very deatlailed life.  

"Oh you don't have to share everything"  

Harry's POV  

My hand caressed my chin as I spoke with her. She was quite beautiful. Had shoulder-lenght, straight, brown hair. Her brown eyes seemed to darken and lighten at different moments of the day. She carried herself well she wasn't over the top but she knew how to dress differently. She seemed nervous shuffling with the rings on her tiny fingers. I was quite nervous myself although I had made it clear that tomorrow was the day. I felt horrible. I had no right to do this to anyone. But I got myself into this mess. My mistakes shouldn't be taken on others. But that's how things work in that business.  

"Can I use your bathroom?"  

"Of course" She led me up the stairs and down the hall. Her hand signaled to the bathroom door and I thanked her. Once I hear her footsteps fade I opened the door quietly. Bringing my foot up towards my chest I removed my shoe and then the other one to avoid noise. I looked down at my watch which read eleven o'clock sharp. I wandered through each room my eyes scanning everything. I was cut short when my phone vibrated and my thumb quickly pressed on the screen.  

"When are we doing this?" Lou questioned.  

"Now." I answered sternly.  

"Mate, don't you think it's too early." He said nervously.  

"Her parents are coming in at 2 am" 

"Well we should wait until you know" He tried to convince me to allow her one last touch one last moment of joy. I know I said one more day but it would become riskier.  

"No it will be harder to do it"  

"Come on mate what if this Gemma?" My hand immediately became tighter around the phone.  

"Fine I will stick around after. If they leave then we will go in" Lou reluctantly agreed to set plan.  

"I just don't think this is right"  

"Lou don't go thinking like that" My hands come through my hair as I tried to calm myself down.  

"We can't keep doing this"  

"After this we will all be done."  

"What about the rest? They have no fault in this we should be the ones locked up. We have no right to take what's not ours."  

"And what would that be?"  


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