Break The Rules (Chp 19)

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BSE at my concert for the first time!

Saw Liam shirtless!

Louis' POV 19

My arm held Eleanor to my chest as I lay wide awake staring at the wall. Being so close to her i noticed the dark bags starting to form under her eyes her long brown hair losing its color. Through the fights, the bickering, the doubts she kept her promise made long ago not to leave me. But under one condition made a few hours ago. She would stay to watch and protect her. Although, Elena was capable of doing so Eleanor wasn't at ease. Eleanor thought of it as her duty to protect her regardless of the previous mistakes she had made. I hated this agreement because now I couldn't protect her. I couldn't protect her not all the time. I didn't trust those boys not after what they did. But I had no choice I couldn't risk losing her. But this agreement could break us. It could be too much for her to handle. But if it was then why didn't she run? Why did she help after witnessing those horrific events? She knew what she was getting herself into. The question is why? Slowly I unwrapped my arm from her and quietly left the room. I wandered down the hall to speak to the only person I trusted, Harry. As my thumb pushed gently on the door I noticed that the room was untouched. Closing the door behind me I walked down the whole to the only door at the end of the hall. My hand took hold of the knob as it turned it revealed the one thing I had never suspected. There he was holding onto her like it was the only thing keeping him alive. The duvets covered there tangled bodies almost containing the secret only they shared. At that moment I wanted to scream to scold Harry for endangering everyone's life for taking this too far. But I didn't because Harry was old enough to know what he was doing. I stood there frozen not knowing what to do or what to say. My hand shut the door now leaving three of us with the dark secret. As I turned I was confronted with the man of the hour, Zayn. It was difficult to see the natural color of his eyes because the sides were covered in red his whole body in bruises. Bruises that would implant into his mind that if he messed up one more time he would wish the same beating rather then the punishment that would be much worse. He stood in front of me his breath ragged his hands shaking as he tried to hold himself together.

"I need to speak to her and Harry but I can't find him" He spoke his eyes not meeting mind. He was never the one to cower away he was the one that would force eye contact with you. But here he stood beaten and bruised afraid of receiving the same fate from me. I stood in front of the door preventing yet another person from finding out the dark secret that would kills us all.

"I'll talk to Elena and Harry ill send them right down." He seems satisfied with my response and limped downstairs towards the living room. I soon realized that if I didn't wake them and send them down he would soon go looking for them. Taking a deep breath I opened the door once again and stepped inside locking myself away with them. Harry must've not heard me because now his eyes were open but they were glued to her. His large fingers gently brushed down her long brown hair this action emitted goosebumps to crawl over her skin. But she remained asleep. He suddenly smiled down at her blinking a few times as if in the blink of an eye he would lose this moment.

I cleared my throat causing Harry to jump from his leaned back state. His many tattoos now visible he fumbled with the sheets nervous at my possible reaction. He smoothly stumbled out of the bed now facing me.

"It's not what you think"His hands held up in protest.

"You're putting each and everyone of us in danger including our families. If James found out he will kill you"

"He won't" He retorted with such reassurance.

"What are you hiding from me?" I questioned and soon his hand reached up at the back of his head. And from that I knew that he kept more than one dark secret from me. Darker then this something that would truly guarantee our deaths.

"Lou it's five in the morning I promise to tell you later." He seemed worried at my uneasiness but I believed him due to the fact that he never broke promises. Before I left the room once more I remembered my previous conversation with Zayn.

"He wants to speak with both of you. He's downstairs" He mumbled the familiar curse word before thinking of an excuse.

"Just tell him you don't want to wake her and that I'm out trying to clear things up." I thought for a second an agreed it would soon believable to anyone even me.

Harry's POV

I sighed in relief as I heard Lou agree to our plan. Something stirred in me when I spoke to him. It was guilt. He struggled to pick a side the good or the bad especially when you had them colliding many times. Once he exited the room I returned to my previous state. I walked silently back to the bed I became familiar and comfortable with. Someone I managed to squeeze into the same position her head on my chest and my arm around arm. After being caught, sleep wasn't really on my mind anymore. My hand removed the long strands on hair that covered her face. She looked younger and almost kinder in her sleep. I looked at her taking in every feature every crease every scar every mark that made her different. The mysterious girl...who is self contained, quiet, with an intriguing aura, that draws you in even if you know she is trying so very hard to do the opposite. Her odd features, and or striking features, could pull you in with just one glance even from far away. Not even being within one foot of her, just being in the same room, you feel the powerful pull of energy she gives off, making you question and think even more about her. Where does she come from? What is she hiding? Why is she purposely avoiding everyone?

Before anymore thinking could be done I felt her long eyelashes brush along my chest. She closed her eyes the last remnants of a dream being chased away by the realization that she is awake again. After a few seconds she sighed and opened her eyes to meet mine. My hand now found itself on her cheek. Hesitation played in both of our minds as we realized the mistake we were bound to make once again. Parting her lips I leant in closer. The hands of time stopped as our lips moved together as one. Her lips were so soft and mine were urgent trying to express all that I felt her. Praying that she could possibly feel the same. I was determind to grasp this memory this one I would never forget. I pulled away, my forehead leaning against her a sweet smile on my face. But I received uneasiness. Uneasy that if she accepted this professed love that it would be much worse then working for James.

My hands was now on her cheek tracing small patterns. Trying so desperately to get her to say something. But I was approached with silence so I spoke up.

"I am not allowed to love. But when I am with you I can't help but break the rules"

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