Ch 12 Stupid Questions Deserve Stupid Answers

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"Have you and Zach had sex before ?" I asked suddenly wanting to get the answer I'd been looking for since I met Kim.

"Why does it matter," she said suddenly defensively. She crossed her arms looking cute while being angry.

"Didn't you already check in the boom closet?" She questioned, not as mad but more importantly sensitive. I don't think she has had a real sexual encounter other than me because she still thinking about that closet.

I started to get aroused thinking about it. As I started to gain sexual strength, she grabbed him thru my jeans.

"You want me to start asking questions huh?" She started, " How many times have you given away what's mine huh!" Yelling gripping him kinda hard, I don't know if I love it or hate it.

"Hold on now angel, Ow-Ow Okay, Okay, Okay, " I said panicking while moving back slightly.

" Let's all calm down for a second, I just asked a question baby girl," I said with my hands up.

"Why is it getting harder you like this huh?" She said while giggling going from the outside to inside my jeans.

"It's very uncomfortable, but if it's you I'll let it go," I said suddenly breathlessly.

"Let it go for me then," she whispered while licking my ear. My body suddenly became inflamed, I could feel my canines start to come out. Everything started to get hot, too hot to handle.

I leaned my head back in ecstasy to what was coming no pun intended, "Wait, shouldn't we go upstairs." I asked trying to breathe.

"Why?" Was all she asked, then she disappeared. All I could hear is a faint giggle. Next thing I know I was alone in the kitchen with a hard rod, somewhat confused. She was just here a second ago.

As I was lost in thought Peter walked in
"Would you like anything prepared sir Maxwell?" He asked me.

"No I'm fine, just looking for Kimberly," I stated blankly while buttoning up my pants. As I looked for her I could smell that she headed towards the backyard, so I followed her.

As I walked towards the backdoor I could see Kim talking to somebody. "Don't worry, it shouldn't be a problem honest-" Austin started saying I interrupted as soon as I hit the doorway while pulling off my shirt.

"So you planned on leaving me high and dry huh ?" I questioned. I could see the playfulness in her eyes before she spoke.

"Maybe, Did you deserve to finish?" She asked while smiling. In a low guarding position Backing up slowly from Austin, her back towards the woods.

"Erm- finish, finish what?" Austin asked suddenly.

"You're gonna get it!" I roared while smiling, as I shifted into my wolf I could feel my bones spreading and my body getting hot it's been a while since I felt like this. Again shifting while in control of your emotions is the next level.

As I shifted, she shifted, it was like unison. At that time I felt like we were one being, it felt weird I never felt like that about any other girl. Then again this could be all because of the imprinting, making me feel more than what's there. But she's so amazing, God I sound like a bitch.

As we ran I thought about how life would be now with her around, and it was an indescribable feeling. It was no way I could lose her now, my wolf wouldn't be able to take it. I have to be real with myself I don't know if I can do this, at least how my dad wants it to go down.

I think she knew I was lost in thought because she thought *Babe I don't know why but I smell something off in that direction* she pointed her nose towards the northern border.

*What does it smell like?* I thought, It smelled a little like a pup but I wasn't sure.

*It smells like a newly changed pup babe, doesn't it or maybe a late bloomer?* She thought determined now as if she already knew it and started moving faster towards the smell.

*Yes it does, I just wanted to hear your opinion, let's check it out,* I thought as we ran fast in the direction of the smell.

Unknown POV

I don't know where I am, why is everything so hot? It's a deep burning in my chest, my bones start to break and mend painfully slow as I scream in agony. It's short-lived because I hear a small yelp and it's my wolf forming letting me know it's okay. I'm starting to understand what is supposed to happen and how.

As I finish shifting I suddenly get so hungry I can't think, all I can do is hunt. So I run, I run till I see a small grey rabbit bouncing alone. I let my instinct go to work and chase it. Honestly, I could never just kill a cute small animal but this is my wolf talking and I'm too hungry to argue.

So I finally catch it by the neck and snapped it with a swift bite of my jaw. It goes limp no fight left in it, as I sit down instinctively and start to tear meat from muscle, bones, ligaments, and tendons. It was so primal but I wouldn't dare stop I was starving. This wasn't going to be enough though I needed some big game.

6 months later

My nose twitched as I smelled a deer a mile or two out, it wasn't far so thought I should try my luck out. So I ran full speed in the direction of the deer all I could think about is the juicy deer meat I was going to devour once I caught up to it.

I suddenly stopped, somewhat confused. I smelled one other wolf nearby, but no two wolves in the eastern direction. I haven't run into anybody else these last 6 months, my wolf is getting restless. It's like it's looking for a fight, and who am I not to give it one...

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