Ch 19 Opposite's Attract Or Do They Not

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                             Maxine POV

I walked side by side with Justin hand & hand, once we got to the door we noticed it was slightly open and we heard a gruff,

'Come on in Maxine'. So I obliged, as bad I wanted to leave I wanted answers from these people.

Once we walked in I noticed Maxwell Sr had his muscular back turned at us, sometimes I wish I was a man so I could be in peak shape. I know I can do it as a woman but still, nobody wanted a buff girlfriend or mate. I assumed.

I have so many insecurities, but you wouldn't know because I don't express them. No point in whining about it, rather just go about my day. Other than my so-called Dad it was a woman beside him whom I had never seen, it made my blood boil with all the thoughts of who it could be.

I already knew who it was I just wanted to ask. I wanted answers, so I guess it was time to get them finally. I walked up to her silhouette she seemed busy talking to Max Sr but I didn't care.

"Are you my so-called birth mother?" I asked with all the spite I could gather, she seemed a little taken aback on how I asked but I don't care. I wanted answers for all these years, all this heartbreak, my emotional damage from being left with just everything.

She turned around and looked at me. Now she was beautiful beyond belief, she was about 5'4 slim strawberry blond hair with dimples. We were twins it was crazy.

"Maxine, Maxine is that you?" She asked teary-eyed, her ocean-blue eyes showed so much love but her actions showed differently. I couldn't let her puppy dog eye me and thought all would be forgiven. She reached for me.

"Don't touch me," I smacked her hand so she wouldn't be able to touch me. She seemed devastated by that, she didn't try to touch me again. This time she spoke she said something that made me wanna cry.

"We missed you all this time baby, why didn't my father send you back earlier, my sweet girl I missed you so much" she cooked with tears slowing falling, I let mine drop as well.

"Kacey you should explain to her why we did what we did My love," Maxwell Sr said after a second, trying to give me the answers I desperately needed.

This was hard for me, to think I wasn't loved all this time to be told that I was loved. It bothered me so much. I felt so unwanted and wanted at the same time.

I started shaking and I felt Justin beside me trying to comfort me, in his way and it was working. I calmed down before speaking again.

"Talk Kacey, what should you be explaining right now," I asked her still very anxious and angry. I would need a Shower, a Run, and some sleep after this.

She flinched at the fact I called her by her name, but it didn't matter you haven't shown me why I could or should call you mom. so I'm going to keep this same energy. Period, I breathe out waiting for her rebuttal.

"Okay, you deserve at least that much." She said with a sigh "So you and Max are paternal twins, twins that were born with a gift."

"TWINS?" I blurted out loudly,

"A special gift that gave you the power to control Fire and Ice elements." She continues while walking behind the desk grabbing a book and blowing the dust off of it.

"What do you mean mom, my wolf never showed any signs of being blessed by the moon goddess." Max blurted out from the corner of the room, I didn't notice him and Kim sitting in chairs next to a tall lamp.

"Max let me finish my dear, the fact is you and your sister are blessed. You guys have the opportunity to change the tide of war, there are many gifts the moon goddess could give out but these are the greatest. Usually, she gives one gift to each pack once every 50 years, but we had twins so she gave us two." She was showing us the information she was telling us was from the book.

"You'll understand more in the future, but the reason why I sent you away Maxine was because if I didn't it would have been a bridge built between you and MJ."

"The Alpha blood is too strong and the fact is you'll kill each other if you stayed around each other back then, Both if you had no self-control, but I can see things have changed over these years."

I listened to what she said it made so much sense, she hated to see us fight but she wanted us both to thrive. I needed time to think this was a lot to think about at one time.

"Thanks for the answers, I'll be going now," I said as I walked towards the door with Justin holding my hand tightly,

"You shouldn't go, we love you dear please stay," she said with tears going down her face.

"I just need time," I said while exiting the room, This was a lot to take in. At least I had Justin I squeezed his hand as we walked out together to start anew.

           A month before the Błood moon
                         Houston, Texas

I let the sun linger on my face as Justin drove towards the house, and moved to Houston. I wanted to stay but I couldn't I needed to breathe and I couldn't breathe in Atlanta.

It was weird we were alone just me and him these last few months, we were something like rouges I guess you could say but technically he was still a part of the pack. I never joined so I was a rouge no doubt about it.

It was something a didn't care about, Packs Rouges, Mates, Family Etc. Most of it didn't matter all I needed was Justin and he knew that. We could be anything as long as we were together. My mom kept sending me letters but I was ignoring them, I still wasn't ready to deal with life. Justin looked so worried suddenly he said,

"We need to head back, your brother went missing and so has Kimberly." While Turing the car around headed towards the pack grounds in Atlanta.............

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