★|00 - Getting to Know Mr. Ordinary|★

275 6 0

Word Count: 1,450

(...) is a note. So is [...]. This is my opinion and notes I've written in the script.

"..." is whispering.

"..." and "dot" is emphasized wording.

"(...)" is an action between dialogue. Such as yawning.

'...' is other's thoughts. This does not mean anything mid-dialogue.

'...'  is your thoughts. This does not mean anything mid-dialogue.

~...~ is a time skip, or a skip to something generally. (Most likely will not be used often).

⚠️ ‼️ WARNINGS ‼️ ⚠️

-Character's personalities may not be canon.




-Fluff, Angst, Lemon(?).

(R/N) is "Random Name(s)".

(R/P) is "Random People".

(Y/N) is, well, "Your Name", or you!

(L/N) is your "Last Name".

(N/N) is "NickName". If you don't have one, it can just be your name.

The user will be using she/her pronouns mostly, I might slip because I'm too used to writing non-binary pronouns. (I'm realistically saying I might put they/them).

About this plot line : You are an second year, so this takes place the first day of second year. 

You are in Tadano's class, 2-1. You was in his class last year too, just the fact no one talked to you. They didn't even approach you, not even Najimi noticed you. The teacher's, students, EVERYONE didn't even to be alert to your existence. It was just Tadano who saw you, but not in class. It was during the festival last year. You was looking around, checking venue's and places other classes set up. Then you saw the Maid Cafe and Tadano. He saw you and waved and you only walked away faster, thinking "Why am I walking away?", "He's the first person who noticed I'm here this entire year!", "I shouldn't be walking away...", and more. After that year, you decided to start fresh, and make yourself known to everyone else.

But the teachers didn't even call your name for attendance. Why? Because your name wasn't on that sheet. "Uh, excuse me, miss?", you asked. "Hm?", the teacher looked at you while you were getting out of your seat, now standing. "You didn't call my name for attendance...", you said. "Well, didn't I call everyone? Your name is (R/N), right?", the teacher asked. "Uh, no ma'am. That's me.", (R/N) said. "Well, if you're not (R/P), who're you?!", the teacher furiously asked. "My name's (Y/N) (L/N).", you firmly said, an irk mark apparent to your neck. "Huh, really? Your name isn't even on the attendance sheet! Go to the principals' office and figure the damn problem yourself, then.", the teacher angrily retorted at you.

"Wouldn't I miss class then, hmm?", you sarcastically replied. "We aren't even going to be teaching anything. We'll be getting to know one-another, so go to the damn office NOW.", the teacher said, yelling the last part angrily. You just angrily sighed and went to the office. "Tadano, go with her.", the teacher said. "Huh? Why-?", Tadano asked, the teacher only glared at him. "I-I mean, yeah-!", he said, hurriedly following you. "Why're you here...? That shitty teacher made you, didn't she?", you said, glancing back at him. "Oh, wait.", you stopped. "You're that boy who waved at me in the Maid Cafe you guys set up, aren't you?", you asked him. "Yes, I am Tadano.", he said. "Nice to meet you, Tadano-san. I am (L/N) (Y/N), but it's fine if you call me (Y/N) and (N/N).", you replied. You both continued walking to the office.

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