★|14 - Another Nee-san (plus more)|★

71 1 0

Word Count: 1,069

(...) is a note. So is [...]. This is my opinion and notes I've written in the script.

"..." is whispering.

"..." and "dot" is emphasized wording.

"(...)" is an action between dialogue. Such as yawning.

'...' is other's thoughts. This does not mean anything mid-dialogue.

'...' is your thoughts. This does not mean anything mid-dialogue.

~...~ is a time skip, or a skip to something generally. (Most likely will not be used often).

If I write "dot" with Komi's notebook, that is NOT her talking. That's her writing. Komi when talking will talk as everyone else. ("...").

⚠️ ‼️ TW ‼️ ⚠️

Watch out for these...! :





-Themes of Angst, Depression.(?)

-Mentioning of Blood, Bleeding.

-Mentions of Violence

-Mentions os Self Harm(?)

-Mentions of (Committing) Suicide(?)

-Mentions of Death/Dying.

-Mentions of Being Kidnapped/Killed.

-Mentions of Drugs, Usage of Drugs, Pills, etc.

-Sharp Weaponry (this includes the following: swords, knives, scissors, etc.) (?)

-Eating disorders. (Not eating properly or at all).

-Brutal Torture(?). (Mentally, Physically, Emotionally).


-Fluff, Angst, Lemon(?).

(Y/N) is "Your Name", or you!

(L/N) is "Last Name", or your last name.

(F/N) is "First Name", I might rarely use this.

(R/N) is "Random Name(s)". (Or random made up names).

(R/P) is "Random People". Though it might just be written as " Random people ...".

(N/N) is "NickName". If you don't have one, it can just be your name.

(F/C) is "Favorite Color". If you don't have one, it can be a random color of your choice. (Ex: (F/C) hairpin/dress, etc.).

(E/C) is "Eye Color". This also includes multiple colors.

(A/N) is "Author's Note". This is something I've written as a reminder, or something else.

(A/N): I've decided for this chapter, you'll have [Name] and [Nickname] kinda thing. If I like it like that, it'll stay that way. Though, you might see a some of (Y/N), (L/N) and (N/N), because I'm not used to the [Name], [Nickname] and [Last Name].

Soon enough, your co-worker came. It was Yui. "O-oh!.. Hey, [Name]-san. Are you okay from last time?", she asks you, worriedly. "Oh, Yui? Yeah, I'm better. I wanted to know something.", you told her. "Hmmn?", she hummed. "..You don't actually want to 'bully' me, right?", you remarked. "I saw you, last time when they were beating me up.", you started. "..you didn't do anything.", you finished. "Because..you know it's wrong. So you didn't join in.", you said. Her minty green eyes widened at your statements. "Y-you..knew?..", she said. "For a bit, I have.", you nodded.

She teared up, immediately hugging you. "T-they..force me.", she admitted, a few tears dropping down her face. "It's okay. I can tell Ali nee-san.", you offered, hugging her back. "(sniff)..y-yeah..that's be nice.", she agreed, as she stopped hugging you. "..b-but..is Ali-sama really..your sister?", she asks, curious and wiped away her tears with her free hand. "Nope! We have no blood relations. She knows what's happened with me, excluding the beatings, so she views me as her little sister and I view her as my big sister.", you explained, Yui nodding.

"Mmn-hmm. Got it, that makes sense.", Yui replied once you finished. "And..", you started, looking down a bit embarrassed. "Y-you can also be my nee-san. With Ali.", you offered. Her eyes lit up in joy. "Yeah! Hooray! I get to have siblings!", Yui cheered, jumping up and down as her white hair followed. You slightly giggled as she continued to jump up and down. Soon enough, she stopped. "W..wait.", she said, immediately silencing herself. "Hmmn?", you hummed, curious. 

"[Name]..t-they're coming.", she started. You lightly gasped, eyes widening. "WH-", you were cut off. "Shh! Be quiet...you need to hide.", she demanded. "Where?!", you asked. "Here, hide in Ali's office!", she pointed towards the office, hurrying you up. You nodded, quickly opening the door and entering her office. You looked around, seeing if any of them were in here. "[Name]? Why're you back here?", Ali questioned, sitting up. "Ali nee-san...", you murmured. You rushed towards her, hugging her.

"Woah there, what's wrong?..", she worriedly replied, hugging you back. "K-kai.. Georgia..are here..t-they'll be-eat me..up..again..", you said, gasping heavily. 'I can't breathe. It's like I'm underwater, and I can't swim up. It's suffocating.', you worriedly thought, coughing at the feeling of not being able to breathe. 'It's like I'm coughing up water, despite still being under it. My eyelids feel heavy...my chest and throat hurts..', you thought, blacking out. 

"Oh, shit! [Name]!?", Ali yelled worriedly, feeling your limp body. 'Okay, phew. She still has a pulse, and she's alive...but it doesn't seem like she's breathing.', Ali worriedly thought after checking your pulse and seeing if you were breathing. She sighed, laying you on her own lap gently. "I wonder what happened. She said something about Kai and Georgia beating her up..again.", Ali murmurs, thinking about what you meant.

She gasped, figuring it out.

"They've been the ones beating [Nickname]-chan up.", she said, furiously. "They'll fucking pay.", Ali cursed, before seeing your chest rise up and down, indicating that you're breathing properly again. "Okay, they'll pay later. I gotta take care of lil' [Nickname] until she wakes up.", Ali reminded herself. She looked at your figure, your face showing clear discomfort.

~After Awhile...~

"(groan)..augh. My head fucking hurts.", you murmured, slowly getting up. "You look up, opening your eyes and saw Ali sleeping uncomfortably. You didn't want to wake her up, so you got up from her lap and exited the office quietly. You took your phone to check the time as it read "9:29 PM". You gasped, your late night shift was about to start in less than 35 minutes. You saw Yui, doing your job. "Yui-chan! Don't do my work, let me do it!", you ran over to her, yelling. 

"It's fine, Kai and Georgia are outside. So, we're good for now.", she told you, broom still in her pale hands. "Still, don't do my job! It's assigned to me for a re-!", you were cut off by her. "No, [Name]-san. Ali called me herself, saying you passed out and asked me to do your work. It's my choice, I decided to do it. Go on and do the cooking, or even better yet, take a break and just go home.", she added. 

You sighed. "(sigh)..I'll go do the cooking. But, you know that's not my strong suit...I'm very plain at cooking.", you reminded her. "Of course I know. That means less work for you, as you can work on small appetizers and side dishes.", she said, smiling at you warmly. You glared at her, before sighing softly and walking to the kitchen.

End of:

★|14 - Another Nee-san (plus more)|

Hope you liked the chapter!

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