Chapter 2: A panther and a pact

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(Yup it's the same playlist.... it's pretty long, so once again, feel free to continue playing while you read if you want)

3-person pov

It was a dark and cold night.... The woods were quiet, the silence being heavy on the souls that dared be out in its grasp. Three figures swiftly make their way through the woods, tripping over roots and each other, but clearly determined to make it to their destination..... Unaware they have a companion hot on their tails. They continue to make their trek through the forest. After hours of travel they make it to a clearing where the moon shone brightly on the grass.

Soon the figures start working. A small blond male started to carve symbols into the ground, also taking the time to move any debris out of the way of the circle that was being created... a taller blond male started to open a book flipping through its pages until he landed on the one he was searching for... finally a lady with short maroon hair reaches into a bag and pulls out a white rabbit.... The poor creature was long gone.... But it would be good enough for their needs......  she places it in the circle. Once it was done the tall blond male looked at his friends... a determined look on his face. "are we sure we want to go through with this?.... Once we do this, there's no going back.... We HAVE to be 100% sure this is what we want to do." the other two nod, seeming just as determined as their friend.

With that the taller male takes a deep breath, ripping out the page in the book. He puts the book away as he pulls out a match and lights it. He takes the lit match and lights the paper on fire. Quickly putting out the match he sets the burning paper over the rabbit in the center of the circle, and quickly jumps back. At first, nothing happened.... There was nothing but the sound of crackling fire and the smell of burning flesh.... The trio waited longer, almost losing hope.... Thinking that they had traveled for nothing.

But before all hope was lost the fire started to change, its flame grew larger than it had been fueled and it's fire turned into a purplish flame lacking any heat. The air around the trio dropped as they suddenly felt like they were being watched, or worse......hunted. Their was a low growl sound that came from what seemingly felt like everywhere. The wind picked up as a voice could now be heard.

"Humans...... You dare summon me?" the voice came out loud and booming, it didn't sound angry though....more like it was taunting. The trio did not seem shaken by the loud guest, their resolve being to high as the taller male spoke. "Yes... yes we have. We called you here demon, we have a deal we want to make with you." the tall one talks without hesitation in sight... it's clear this was a thought out plan. The fire grows more, it's high flames towering over the humans as two piercing fuchsia eyes appeared in the flames, the voice speaking once more.

" oh? And what deal do you wish to make with me?....little humans? Do you want power? Glory? Go ahead and tell me what selfish desire you want me to fulfill." The demon's powerful voice boomed through the forest, proud and cocky almost condescending.

The humans did not back down.... "We... we want you to protect someone.... We... We have a young lord that we work for. He acts all tough, but he's a kid... he's been through a lot... and we want someone who can protect him... which is where you come in." the demon listened patiently as they spoke... intrigued by this request. They taller male continues " we read up about you... your a very powerful demon... the panther. You were know as one of the strongest and stealthiest of your rank. We had a feeling you would be more than able to protect our young master" the maroon haired lady pipes up " also... we wanted you to help out our friend. He's the head butler of the estate. He's very good at his job, he was the one who brought us all here together in the first, he was" their a small pause before she speaks again. "And while we all have our talents... we're not the best at our duties, we want you to help Sebastian out a bit. Keep him safe as well. He works so hard... he deserves a helping hand." the maid said, her eyes holding a solemn yet... determined look.

The demon listened to the humans request, slightly surprised. In all their years they have never been summoned for something so... mundane? Pure? This was an interesting change of pace for them. " hmm.... And you do understand that if I do agree to do this... and our contract comes to completion... I will need to take your souls, correct?... you understand that in trade for protecting your young master's life and helping out his butler. You give your souls as forfeit? The gates of paradise forever closed to you." The demon's voice was firm but still filled with curiosity toward what the human's reactions would be. Humans tended to be selfish creatures, but these one's intentions seemed to only come from the heart.

The tiny blond was the one who answered this time. "Yes. we do. But that doesn't matter, when we were brought in as phantomhive servants are duties are to protect and serve the phantomhive estate with our lives. In a way, our souls are already sold. So if you helping us is what it takes... then so be it." all three humans had deep resolve in this matter, all standing firm and looks of determination filling them.

The demon sat there quietly for a bit, they had never been given a request like this. And seeing that these humans wanted to give up everything for this "young master"... it sparked an interest in them...'Humans..... Such interesting creatures indeed' they thought as they looked down at the three. "Very well... I will help, I will work for and guard your young master and serve as an assistant for your friend. In return, when our contract is complete, you three will hand over your" the demon's voice still seemed loud, yet at the same time soft... like it was wind during a passing storm.

The humans all look at each other before looking back at the demon and nodding. When they nodded... the fire in the circle started to swirl a shadow forming inside... At first it looked like a feline, powerful and strong like a big cat ready to attack. Soon though, the shadow morphed again.... This time taking on a more humanoid shape. The form looked strong as well, more swift and capable. The fire starts to dissipate as the human form is revealed. Their (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes shining softly in the moonlight... their (s/c) skin is still warm from the flames. They approach the trio not even making a sound as they approach almost seeming like a phantom. Once they are in front of the trio they kneel. " I now work for you... masters and mistress... I am a loyal servant.... What is my name?" It was very common for contracted demons to be given names by their masters.

The three stood there, 'name? They needed to give the demon a name?' they didn't know this was something they would need to do. They remained silent in deep for a bit, before the short blond replied. "Your name could be... y/n!" the boy seemed proud of the thought. The other two nodded, seeming like the name was satisfactory.

The demon give a gentle smile as they stand "very well I am now y/n brimlight... at your service... and what are your names?" The demon's tone was light and calm, a stark difference from the loud and booming one from earlier.

The short blond is the first to speak "you can call me finny!" he smiled. "I'm may-rin" piped the maroon haired maid. "And I'm bard" spoke the taller blond. All three seemed happy compared to the situation they had now put themselves in. It amused the demon.

The demon smiled as they heard the name "good to meet you masters and mistress... let us start on our contract, shall we?" with that symbols appeared on the trio... each one getting a mark on their shoulders, sealing the contract. The demon could already tell that this was going to be an...'interesting' time with this lot....

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