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Paul Stanley, sitting right next to me. Breathing the same air as me, talking to me. I could barely hear anything over the fact that I'm in his house.

Sitting on his couch, which by the way is very comfy, and taking to him. Still can't believe it, I've dreamed of meeting him since like... since I was a fetus, that's how long I've been wanting to meet him. We grew up poor, so I never got to go to a concert, but now, he took me into his house. It's like those fanfictions where a band member adopts you and then... I don't know what happens after that... And I don't want to know... But the point was he sitting right next to me, and I was dying. My heart could have collapsed right there, also the fact that he knew me, my god.

"Get to the point!" *andy yelled in the background*

"You're just jealous I met him and you met him after me!" *I yelled back over my shoulder*

Well anyways I started to wonder where Ryan is. "So, where's Ryan? The dude who was drunk with me yesterday." I asked PAUL STANLEY!!!

"Oh, he left this morning, he didn't want to wake you up. I told him that he was welcomed to stay but he said he had practice. I remember those days when I was rushing up and down to get all the band things done."

"Really? How was it?" I asked quickly and excitedly.

"Well it was..."

~~~ *in spongebob thingy* 5 years later ~~~

*music started playing* "In the end, as we fade into the night..." (that's my ringtone btw)

I gestured toward the door, and Paul nodded. So I grabbed my phone, and then a really loud voice yelled in my ear. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! IT'S BEEN 5 YEARS SINCE I'VE SEEN YOU!! DID YOU GET INTO JAIL! I WILL NOT BAIL YOU OUT THIS TIME!"

"Mom I moved out 5 years ago to LA."

"Oh yeah, I remember now."

I shook my head. "So how have you been?"

"Good, your dad got stuck in the toilet again, he..."

I quickly cut her off, "that's great mom, goodbye."

"Wait, your dad still has that stain on..."

"Bye!" I quickly shut my phone. Parents.

"Paul, I really hate to leave, but I really need to go."

"Oh, just use my restroom, it's over there." He turned and pointed towards the Turn the corner and..."

"Not that kind, but speaking of that I do need to go."

Then I went... I don't think you need to know the details after that.

I came out and said to him, "I should go, Ashley is gonna get mad."

"Ok, do you want me to drive or..."

"YES!! please"

"Ha ha ok then, just let me grab my keys and ok. Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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