The Future

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I wake up and get off of my makeshift bed. I walk out of the ruined building that I call home. I look up at the sun. I activate my solar panels as my mechanical parts begin to recharge. It's the year 3088 and the world has gone to shit. Although, there are some nice things.

"Hey, Sammy!" a feminine voice says, speaking of nice things.

"Hey, Gwen," I say. I should probably tell you all who I am.

My name is Samuel Marshall. I'm one of the few good metahumans left. I never really named my meta ability, but it lets me basically pull complex machines out of my ass. There are limits to how complex my machines are, for example, I can't make a rocket ship with a built-in supercomputer, but I can make cars. I can also make the parts for said rocket ship. I eventually lost my arm and made a replacement arm for it. One thing leads to another and I eventually had to replace most of my body with cybernetic replacements.

"So what's the plan for today?" Gwen said. Her full name is Gwen Monroe, and she's my best friend. She's just a normal human, but she does look hot.

"You're not going to keep working on that hopeless machine of yours? Are you?" says another voice. This is John Cobblepot. He's a greedy man and very pessimistic. He sorta kinda sucks, but he's also fairly smart, like super genius kinda smart.

"My time machine? Of course, I am. It could save the world," I said, "It's the only way I can save this world."

"Or you could rip a singularity into the fabric of space-time. Besides what's the point? What would we get out of it?" John asks.

"A better life," I respond. John rolls his eyes and goes back to doing whatever he was doing. There was some silence until Gwen spoke up.

"So how far are you with your machine?" Gwen asks.

"I'm almost done with it, I have the body and energy source done, I just need some sort of supercomputer to help with calculation and shit like that," I say.

"How hard would that be to make?" Gwen asks.

"Damn near impossible unless I find a blueprint for it. Unless we find a speedster, then I could maybe replicate the Flash's cosmic treadmill," I answer.

"Which would be equally hard, I bet?" Gwen asks.

"Yeah, most speedsters nowadays are power-hungry. Even if I did find one, there is no guarantee that they'll help us," I once again answer.

"What if we go to that old Star Labs? It must have something that could help," she suggests

"You read my mind. That is our last hope unless we want to try and go to a different continent," I say

"Well then let's go!" Gwen says enthusiastically

"Hold on, we still need to get ready for this. And I actually want to convince John to come, and you stay here to watch the base" I answer. "I trust you more than John, and John may be able to help get into Star Labs."

"What? Ok..." Gwen says bummed out.

"Could you start packing food for John? And maybe a spare battery pack for me?" I ask. She nods and walks away. Time for the hard part. Convincing John. I walk around to try and find him. The first spot to check is his "house."

I arrive at his run-down gas station and walk in. A bell rings, letting John know I'm here. He immediately comes out from the back with a Mossberg 590.

"Who dares to enter- oh it's you," he puts away his shotgun. "What do you want chrome dome?"

"First of all, I have gold plating, stop calling me a chrome dome. Second of all, wanna go raid one of the best labs from the Old World?"

"What's in it for me?" John asks.

"Anything you find interesting. We are going to what used to be Boston, so there's probably something interesting there," I say. John looks at me with mild curiosity.

"And we are raiding Star Labs," I said, emphasizing the word "are."

"They used to be the government's number one place to go with alien tech," I finished.

"I might be able to find-" he began to say until he cut himself off. "I'm in."

John then grabs his Mossberg and then picks up a Tec-9. He then puts on a coat and says, "When are we leaving?"

"As soon as Gwen is done packing supplies. Wanna help?" I ask.

"Ha! No, I got to find more ammo," John says. He then goes back into the back. I roll my eye. I'd roll the other one, but I can't. I'm lucky it still works after that explosive. Now I have to keep it behind dark red glass so the sun doesn't fry it. Anyways, I should probably help Gwen.

You go out to the farm and look for Gwen. She's zipping up a bag. She ended up dropping something and bends over it to pick it up. Damn, she's got a nice- wait, gotta get my head out of the gutter.

"Hey, Gwen!" I say. She jumps a bit but turns around to greet you.

"Hey, Sammy!" she says.

"Have you finished packing our supplies?" I asked.

"Yep!" she then hands you the bag, "So how'd you convince John?"

"He seems to think he'll find something there," I answer.

"That's not surprising, I think he'd try and steal the moon if he could," Gwen jokes.

"You're not wrong," I said with a chuckle. There's silence for a minute.

"So how long will it take to get to Star Labs?"  Gwen asks concerned.

"Well we're going to the one in Boston, if we take The Beast, then we'll probably get there roughly within a day, then when we actually search the place. It should take two, maybe three days," I answered. "We'll be fine."

"Ok, so what are you leaving for me?" she asks.

"You got two Grids to help if you get attacked, along with any weapons we have in our barracks. Oh, speaking of which, I made a special surprise for you the other day. It's there," I tell her. You both then heard John behind you.

"So we ready to go or what?" he asks. I look at him.

"Yeah, just give me a minute. Wanna get The Beast ready?" I ask, and toss him the keys. He catches them.

"Yeah, just don't take too long," he says and walks off. I turn back to Gwen.

"Come back alright, I don't know what I'd do without you," Gwen says.

"Relax I always do," I say with confidence.

"But you've never been gone this long," she says still worried.

"Nothing is gonna change, I wouldn't want you getting lonely here," I tell her. She looks away for a second before she looked back at me and kisses me. Woah.

"Just come back in one piece, ok?" she says blushing.

"Yeah," I say, also blushing. This is something that gonna need to be talked about later. But you heard John honking the horn.

"I don't think I should keep John waiting, you wanna talk about this when I get back?" I ask. She nods.

That's something I have to look forward to. Anyway, John is waiting. I grab the supplies and make my way towards the garage. I open the door to see John waiting.

"You ready now?" he asks.

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading. So this is a new thing I've been working on. It's taken up most of my free time, so I haven't been working on my MHA story. Also, this story is a hundred percent original, I had no idea it would be this challenging to think of a totally original story. Don't expect this to be as updated as my MHA story, I'll probably only write this one during my free time. Thanks for reading! Peace!

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