The Future (Part 2)

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John and I head into the city limits of Boston. I was on the M2 Browning that I had fixed onto the back of The Beast. The Beast is a large truck with high suspension, a powerful engine, and high transmission, along with a turbojet slapped on the back of the thing. There is armor plating on everything, even the driver's windows. It's gonna take a lot to penetrate the armor on this thing. John was obviously driving this thing since I was in the back. We drive past multiple buildings as I'm looking at a map of Boston, trying to tell John where to go.

"Take the next left," I said. You still kept an eye out for any threats. Anyone could be hiding in these torn-down buildings. John takes a left.

After another while of trying to find the Star Labs, we get shot at. John is fine thanks to the truck's armor, and I'm fine because, well, I'm called Cyborg 2.0 for a reason. I swing the M2 toward where you were being fired at. I let her rip and see a few red explosions of mist. Seems I got some of them. More gunfire comes our way and I try my best to fend them off.

"Brace yourself!" John yells. I look at where he was going and see the Star Labs building. He's gonna crash through the front door. I brace and get sent forward from the impact, thank god I have a seatbelt. I unbuckle and climb out of the MG. John rolls out of The Beast.

"Another happy landing," John said.

"I don't think we landed anything, but ok," I said. A bullet then made a clinking sound as it hits the back of my shiny metal head. I quickly turn around and turn my right arm into a gun, a Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR), to be more specific. I aim at the attack and start to shoot at him. I hear the M2 start firing, I assume John's shooting it. A metal mask then covers my face.

More and more people pile in. Ok, the DMR ain't cutting it. I turn my right arm into a flamethrower, while I turn my left into an LMG. I open fire at them. I grimace at the screams of pain. Multiple bullets just ricochet off of me. My LMG rips into multiple people.

"They're too strong! Retreat!" one of them yells. John and I keep shooting till they all leave. I look at all the dead bodies. A frown appears on my face.

"May you all rest in peace," I tell the dead bodies.

"I don't get why you say that. They're all scum who don't deserve peace," John says as he sets a sentry down so nobody steals The Beast. He actually puts a few down.

"Let's go," I say, ignoring him. We walk through the abandoned building, both of us having our SMGs at the ready. After some searching, we find a map of the building.

"Huh, there's some lower levels. The good stuff is probably there," John says.

"I agree. Let's go," I say. We keep walking and eventually make our way to a heavy-duty steel sliding door.

"Don't think we can blow this open, do you?" John asks. I grab the middle of the door and begin to pull the two sides apart. After a lot of effort, I pry the two sides apart.

"Show off," John says.

"Well, we don't have enough explosives to blow it open. Anyway, let's see what Star Labs was hiding down here" I say and lead the way. It's quite dark, so John and I turn on flashlights to see.

We're walking down abandoned hallways. There are some old skeletons on the ground. Shame. We both hear a weird buzzing in the air. John describes it as dull, but to me, it sounds more alive. Like it's trying to tell me something. After more exploring, we find the only room with a light on. We nod at each other and open the door.

Inside, there is a pod that glows blue. The door shuts behind you. There are multiple computers in the room. We both go to investigate the computers. After looking trying to see what this room is, you both hear a voice behind you.

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