Cold, Cold Heart (Part 2)

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"Right. I got someone to talk about a weapons deal. I already put a stop to it, but the thugs are still, plus plenty of Cryo Weapons. They were operating out of a North Refrigeration building, which is owned by an Oswald Cobblepot," you say.

"Really? I'll send a unit down there. What's the--" A kunai was then thrown into the payphone, ending the call and destroying the payphone.

You quickly turn around and look up, seeing a silhouette of a woman standing up there. She jumps down and walks towards you.

"You're the Sentinel," the woman states, her voice edged with certainty. "The League wants you, and they've sent me to collect."

"The League?" you think to yourself, shocked

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"The League?" you think to yourself, shocked.

"Let's see if you're worth the price," she says. With that, she readies herself for the impending clash, her sword at the ready. You stare her down.

"I can assure you, I am. You say The League wants me dead? Tell me, who is this League you speak of?" you ask her, getting ready to fight. Honestly, she kind of looks hot. If she wasn't trying to kill you, you'd probably ask her out on a date. Actually, you probably would anyway.

"You know all too well who the League is, traitor," the woman says. She charges at you, ready to slash you with her sword. You dodge out of the way. This woman claims to be from the League of Assassins, however, she doesn't look much older than you. Maybe 19? You try to punch her in the gut, but she summersaults over you. You roll forward to avoid a slice to your back. You quickly turn to face her.

"Yeah? Bold words. What else do you know?" you ask, throwing shurikens at her. She blocks them with her sword. You run at her and jump up to punch her. She goes to block with her sword. Seeing this, you slightly move your arm, so the sword will get caught on the fins of your gauntlets (You know those spiky things on Batman's gauntlets? Apparently, they are called fins). Her sword got caught on the fins, and due to the momentum, you pushed the sword out of her hands.

"Just that you never finished your training," she says, then roundhouse kicks you into a car. It's alarm starts to go off. You grunt in pain.

"Yeah? Don't need it. Who are you anyway? You don't look familiar," you ask. She runs at you with her sword, she must have picked it up.

"Call me Lady Shiva!" she yells and brings her sword down. You dodge and the sword gets lodged in the car. You take this opportunity to punch her in her side. You try to punch her face, but she counters with her arm. She then headbutts you, causing you to stagger. She then begins an assault on you, punching you rapidly. You manage to grab her hand, and then superkick her. She staggers back.

"The Hindu god of destruction?" you ask. You both are breathing heavily. "That's a lot of confidence you have."

"Confidence that I've earned," Lady Shiva says. Reach into your utility belt, pull out two trench knives (Brass Knuckle Knife), and put them on, reverse grip style.

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