Chapter 1: Homecoming

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Author's Note:
Kia ora everyone! Looks like my muse didn't stay dormant for very long after I finished writing 'Violet Eyes'. So here I am, back again with another NeteyamxOC drabble that explores the plot-bunny of what if Neteyam had to leave a girl he was close to behind when the Sullies fled for the reefs in TWoW.

Neteyam was 15 years old (and by Na'vi considerations, already a young man) when his family joined the Metkayina, so it's entirely possible that he had an Omatikaya love interest whom he had to leave.

Welcome back to any of my 'Violet Eyes' readers! This story is much lighter and fluffier than the mammoth that was my previous work. I have chosen to focus mostly on Neteyam and our leading lady, Naia, in this. So while there are flashes of other original characters and other OCs, majority of the interaction in this will be between our two main characters. For ease of writing, Spider, Kiri, Lo'ak and Tuk also do not really feature in this story arc.

Chapter 1 lays a lot of groundwork, especially for our lovely Manaia. There is a lot of emotion in this, so I felt it was important for you to really get a feel for her.

I've written almost all of this story and it will be four chapters long. Updates will be weekly. Enjoy!

Pronunciation note: Manaia – Ma-ny-uh, or Ny-uh for the shortened version of her name.


Manaia's disgruntled eyes seethed at the mortar and pestle before her as her hands furiously worked, grinding away at the tough roots in the wooden receptacle. If looks could kill, the implements she held would be smoking now, charred and blackened by her resentful gaze.

The tsahìk's hut was filled with her mother's exasperated voice, countered only by Mo'at's unruffled words as the Omatikaya tsahìk sat by Manaia, grinding her own roots and herbs in a separate mortar.

"Talk to her, tsahìk!" Ayepni implored, gesturing avidly toward her daughter while she paced to and fro before the pair of women seated on the ground, "She will not be betrothed to Tupou!"

Ever unflappable, Mo'at took in a slow and meaningful breath and her voice was placating as she addressed Manaia, "Tupou is in line to be the next olo'eyktan and as tsakarem (trainee tsahìk), it is tradition that you will be mated to him when the time comes for you both to lead this clan."

Manaia hissed acridly, repudiating the sentiment, "Well then perhaps the Omatikaya should appoint another tsakarem! Leylani perhaps?"

"You have trained as a healer and spiritual shaman for years! All through the Long War you have aided tsahìk Mo'at and studied under her. Will you throw all of the hard work she has put into you away?" Ayepni exclaimed, maddened, "All because of your silly feud with Tupou?"

"There isn't any silly feud!" Manaia refuted, slamming her pestle down into her mortar with enough force that chunks of masticated root flew out of the vessel to spatter the mat beneath her. She did not have any feud with Tupou, they simply did not get along. They never had, even when they were younger. Tupou found her mouthy impudence unladylike and she found his cocksure demeanour infuriating. She continued, "We're just very different people and we don't get along. Besides, Leylani has trained with me under Mo'at too. There isn't any reason the role of tsakarem can't be passed to her."

Mo'at surveyed the bickering mother and daughter with shrewd eyes. Manaia had been a conscientious student through the years and her bond with Eywa was strong. The girl had all the makings of a great tsahìk and Mo'at had sensed that this was to be the girl's path since she was a child.

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