A Sunny Day, A Fateful Night

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(You hold your hand out, the command seals glow, and you put your other hand on your arm to steady it)

Y/n: Heed my words, my will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny. If you heed the grail's call and obey my reason, then answer me! I hereby swear that I shall be all the good in the world, and I shall defeat all evil in the world!

(The summoning circle glows bright)

Y/n: Seventh heaven clad in the great words of power, come forth from the binding circle, thou Guardian of Scale!

(Flashes of light emanate throughout the church. You and your mother temporarily cover your eyes. Once the light is gone, you and her are surprised to see the appearance of the heroic spirit)

Christa: No way...

Y/n: Impossible.

???: I ask you... Are you worthy to be my master?

(You are so shocked you fall onto your butt looking up at your servant)

I ask you. Are you worthy to be... My master? I'm your servant, Saber. I have come in response to your summons. My sword will henceforth be at your side. Your fate is now my fate. Our pact is now sealed.

Y/n: Alright!

(You stand up and hold out your hand to offer a handshake)

My apologies for not answering you right away. Yes, I am your master. My name is Y/n L/n.

(Saber holds your hand and shakes it)

Saber: It's okay. I look forward to the upcoming battle that's upon us.

Y/n: Me too.

(In the morning, you were back at home. You head into the backyard and walk over to a grave. Your mom and Saber were looking out the window)

Christa: What's got your attention out there, Saber?

Saber: It's interesting. Your son is talking to a grave?

Christa: Are you surprised?

Saber: I was under the impression that my master had a colder heart than he's showing now.

Christa: Well, I can see why you might think that.

Saber: If that really is Y/n's true self, then I am afraid I must've gravely offended him when we first met.

(Christa laughs at what Saber said)

Christa, you really don't have to laugh at me.

Christa: I'm sorry. I was wondering if you're still concerned with our reaction when you were summoned?

Saber: Yes, somewhat. True, I did pretend to be a man during my original life. But surely there was no need for you two to be shocked when you saw me.

Christa: I'm so sorry, but we just couldn't help it! Your legend-I mean, King Arthur's legend is extremely famous.

Saber: Well, if that's the case, do you think he might underestimate my ability simply because I am a woman?

Christa: No, never. Not at all. Then again, if he's upset as you think he is, I'm certain that there's another reason.

Saber: Such as?

Christa: He's probably upset at all the people who were around you at the time. The selfish ones, the ones cruel enough and uncaring enough to force the role of King upon an innocent little girl.

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