19: OH WHA-

384 6 23

Shipper >:3, Battery Lover, Lesbian Lightswitch and Father Nature are online

Battery Lover: The doctor said to just rest your leg for a while, like 2-3 weeks or so

Battery Lover: I guess we can do anything you want if you feel lazy

Lesbian Lightswitch: Hehe

Shipper >:3: Bruh your gonna make me do everything

Shipper >:3: And there's nothing I can do about it due to your girlfriend ._.

Lesbian Lightswitch: Lmao

Father Nature: What's happening

Shipper >:3: Liy is on the bed forever

Lesbian Lightswitch: Bruh I'm not on the bed forever!

Shipper >:3: Hehe

Battery Lover: Wow

Lesbian Lightswitch: Bruh

Father Nature: Why do i hear Pen screaming

Blueberry Pastry is online

Blueberry Pastry: hE GOT KICKED IN THE NUTS-

Shipper >:3: WHAT-

Lesbian Lightswitch: That sounds so out of character from you-

Father Nature: Wait what!? By who!?


Lesbian Lightswitch: I wanna see him wallowing in pain lmao

Battery Lover: Oh geez he did get kicked in his middle

Father Nature: Who even did it?

Battery Lover: I just see Bottle standing behind him so, It's probably her


Lesbian Lightswitch: Rimot help me i need to see him in pain

Battery Lover: His on the floor

Battery Lover: Just, Look at this

Battery Lover:

(A/N: The background sucks but whatever it was rushed anyway)

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(A/N: The background sucks but whatever it was rushed anyway)

Shipper >:3: Aw man he really is on the floor-

Lesbian Lightswitch: Lmao

Battery Lover: Yeah, Also yes Pie is dying in the background

Father Nature: Geez, what did he even do?

Lesbian Lightswitch: It's so random seeing botol look uh- mischievous- i think

Shipper >:3: Pie get on the friggin phone, i wanna know context-

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