Chapter 8: Up The Creek

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(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Island... The competitors were forced to conquer their deepest, darkest fears. Not all of them succeeded, but others surprised the group and faced their fears head-on. In a shocking twist, Tyler let the Bass down when he was too chicken to face the chicken. Get it?

Chris laughed at his joke

(Chris): And it was "Buh-Bye, Tyler." Once again, the Bass find themselves behind. Can they pull this one out of the water? Find out today on Total. Drama. Island!



The teams were finishing up breakfast when Chris's voice echoes throughout the island

(Chris) Loudspeakers: Alright campers for today's challenge you will be meeting me at the beach close to the dock of shame! You can't miss me


After some time the campers were gathered Infront of Chris

(Chris): Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience. A canoe trip. You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake... To Boney Island! When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle.

Geoff raises an eyebrow in confusion

(Geoff): We've gotta pour what?

(Chris): "Portage"

A fly buzzes pass Geoff who is blankly staring at Chris. Chris sighed and facepalmed

(Chris): Dude, walk with your canoe

(Geoff): Oh!

Chris shook his head in disbelief and quickly regained his smile

(Chris): When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility! Move, campers, move!

As the teams ran to the canoes Chris forgot to mention something

(Chris): Oh, wait! One more thing I should mention. Legend has it if you take anything off the island... You'll be cursed forever!

He said the last part with a spooky voice and in the background Chef used a sheet of metal to that made a noise that sounded like thunder. The campers weren't to excited to hear that. Well except for one

(Owen): Yeah, haha! A cursed island! Whoo!

Owen cheered getting odd looks

(Chris): Now, get in your canoes and let's have some fun!

(Owen): Yes!

The sound of a toilet being flushed is heard. Chris turned to see Beth walking out she had a piece of toilet paper stuck to her shoe

(Beth): What'd I miss?

Chris pointed at the canoes

(Chris): Canoes

Chris stated not feeling like reexplaining the challenge again



Cody Confessional

(Cody): Chris told us to pick a paddling partner. I'm thinking of asking Kai to be my partner. Not only is he an incredible friend, but I have also discovered some things about his personalities that will make them easy to control and what better place to talk about his condition then in the middle of a lake where no one can hear a word we say

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