Chapter 23: Camp Castaways

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You guys get double uploads because I failed to do last weeks chapters. After this uploads will be as usual now lets get into it!


(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Island... The campers got sent out on safari. They made like they were zookeepers. Although, some of them might wanna look at other careers. Realising she was a goner Heather joined Duncan's alliance, which helped her a little. Although everyone else helped by sucking. Shockingly Leshawna and Ezekiel were voted off. This week, our four remaining campers will get way too close for comfort. Will Duncan manage to keep himself in the game with his alliance? Will Heather somehow avoid the Boat of Losers yet again? And who will be voted off this week in the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight... On Total. Drama. Island!



It was night-time on camp Wawanakwa and it was raining heavily. Chris is seen wearing a rain coat

(Chris): Welcome back to Total Drama Island! This week, we've prepared a bizarre episode full of surprises. For instance, take this weather. Rain is not an easy thing to control, let me tell you. But we figured the four remaining campers were getting off way too easy. So, we pulled some strings, and voila! D'ah!


Gwen, Duncan, and Cody were sitting around the outside of the trailer. They saw an unwelcomed sight. Heather, who is currently approaching them. As she stopped in front of them the loudspeakers came to life and Chris's voice came out

(Chris): Listen up, campers! One of the most gruelling challenges of any summer camp experience is the dreaded rain day! Where all activities with a remote possibility of fun are cancelled in favour of the Craft Tent. The forecast for tomorrow: rain, rain, and more rain, followed by rain! See you all in the Craft Tent tomorrow at 0700 hours!

Heather looked at the loudspeaker and then to Gwen who was frowning. She clearly missed Leshawna

(Heather): Frowning like a big suck won't bring Leshawna back, you know. It'll just give you premature wrinkles. Oops. Too late

Suddenly the loudspeakers turned on again

(Chris): Oh, I just remembered. From what I'm seeing in the confessionals you guys seem to think we'll be deciding the winner on a jury vote. That's not gonna happen. So... See ya!

The campers looked shocked as Chris's voice cut out



Gwen Confessional

(Gwen): Are you serious?! Then that means we could have voted her off last time! UGH!

She glared at the camera

(Gwen): I can't wait for her luck to run out




Cody Confessional

(Cody): So Ezekiel got voted off for nothing?!

Cody pulls his hair in frustration



Gwen glared at Heather

(Gwen): Why don't you just put us out of our misery and vote yourself off?

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