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Hi Everyone <3

Welcome to Malfoy Amongst The Chaos...

There's just a few things I want to say before you start reading:

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There's just a few things I want to say before you start reading:

<> To start, in terms of MARVEL I have made most parts up and adapted them to fit the story, and have taken Wanda's looks and abilities from about CACW and from IW as the story progresses

<> Wanda herself will be a bit out of character, I kinda just wanted to have her magic and basic backstory and add it to the HP world {which is what I've done - with some adaptions}  but hopefully it's not too different and if so I'll just use the excuse of her being a teenager 0_0

<> Her age is different to the MCU and instead now fits to be in Harry's year {D.O.B= 01/10/79}

<> I've changed some things about the way her magic works and what can stop it etc...

<> In terms of HARRY POTTER it mostly follows the books storyline but we all know how complicated the books are so I've just sort of rewritten it so the same things happen {ish} and includes Wanda's part in it



- Iron is the chaos magic's only weakness -

{steel is also because it's an alloy of iron}

{steel is also because it's an alloy of iron}

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- Wanda is in Gryffindor House -

- Wanda is in Gryffindor House -

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