|08| Hunters In Hogsmeade

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The morning in Hogsmeade had been a cold one.

It was raining steadily as we trekked up the street through the abysmal weather towards The Three Broomsticks, our arms across each others' shoulders as we walked. My skin was covered in goosebumps beneath my clothes and the parts of my hair not in a hood were soaking wet - but I was smiling - we all were. Even as rain dripped continuously down our faces and trickled down the crevices of our necks, sliding beneath our red and gold scarves and the chain of my mother's amulet.

Raindrops clinging to her eyelashes as she leant her head forwards, Hermione asked cheerily, despite the slight shiver in her voice, "Shall we get a drink?"

Our faces were pinched with the cold of the wind and rain, our noses pink at the tips and lips slightly blue, we were all definitely content with the idea of somewhere warm. "Yeah I guess-  wait a minute." Harry cut off, squinting through the rain and withdrawing his arm from my shoulder.

"What is it, Harry?" Hermione asked.

He stepped away from us and I too searched the rain-beaten streets for the source of Harry's distraction. Ahead of us, two dark figures were stood in front of the window of our preferred pub, one tall and slender, the other squat, bald and-


I jumped as Harry yelled and took off down the street, glancing at the other two before running after him. 


We panted to a stop just behind Harry as we met the shifty looking man, now alone and shoving silver goblets into his cloak. "Oh- uh- hello, you lot-"

He dropped one in his haste and I swiped it from the floor before he could recover it; his ugly face flushed ashamedly. "Hang on," I murmured, wiping dirt and rain from its surface. "This has the Black family crest on it..."

"No it's doesn't- OUCH-"

Harry had pinned Mundungus to the wall of the pub before any of us could react, drawing his wand from his pocket and snarling in his face, "You took that from Sirius' house!" 

"What- no- I-" Mundungus stammered unconvincingly.

I felt the rage ripple off him as Harry screamed, "What did you do-? Go to his house the night he died and strip it of all his stuff? ANSWER ME!"

"Harry, no!" Hermione cried, but Ron held her back and Harry leant harder into Mundungus, his knee raising against the short man's chest. "You mustn't!" she tried again.

"Give it back!" Harry roared, ignoring Hermione, his voice shaking with rage.

"Mundungus," I hissed. Irritation and disdain bubbled in my throat, my accent came out stronger as a result. "Give it to him."

"No!" He choked. "Bleedin' kids-!"

He strained and there was a sudden bang. 

Harry's hand flew off Mundungus and he stumbled backwards into me, knocking us both to the ground with a loud splash.  I groaned as Harry's weight landed on me and ice-cold water seeped through my clothes, the puddle water erupting around us as Mundungus grabbed his case and the goblet that had fallen out of my hand-

"NO!" Harry roared hoarsely, struggling to right himself. "COME BACK HERE YOU THEIVING-" 


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