|04| Orange For Two More

57 5 2


Astronomy - E

Charms - E

Defense Against Dark Arts - E

Herbology - A

History of Magic - A

Potions - O

Transfiguration - E

Care of Magical Creatures - A

Ancient Runes - O

I'd done well in my O.W.Ls and Professor McGonagall gave me a rare smile as she glanced down at my paper, most of her face in a shadow cast by the steep witch's hat that she wore atop her head.

"Very well done, Maximoff," she said, handing me my timetable. "You're cleared to do all of those subjects." 

"Thank you, Professor." I replied, returning the smile as Hermione tugged on my sleeve to look at my lessons.

She squealed with excitement, laying her own timetable down next to it as she peered between them. "Oo! Yes, we have ancient runes first, defence against the dark arts and double potions today - oh, Wanda I'm so excited to start N.E.W.Ts!"

I gave her an incredulous look with one eyebrow raised, "Really?"

She gave me a sheepish smile, her dark brown eyes still glinting as enthusiasm danced behind them. "There's so much to learn!"

I made the crazy gesture with my fingers and pulled my plate of toast towards me, sniggering as she hit me on the arm.

"Woah, cool!" Came Ron's voice from amongst the chatter around us and I glanced at him in confusion - he was grinning from ear to ear, unlike Harry who was wearing an expression of sheer confusion as he regarded him.

"What?" I asked, frowning at his ecstatic face.

"Look how much free time we have!" He exclaimed, laughing with joy. "Free first, break, defence against the dark arts, free, lunch, free and then potions! This is brilliant!"

Hermione scoffed, leaning over my half-empty plate to talk to him, and shook her head exasperatedly, "Ron, that's not free time - it's study periods!" she laughed at the look on his face. "Do you have any idea how much homework we're going to get?"

"But..." Ron mumbled feebly.

As Hermione and I left a seriously dejected Ron, and a downcast Harry, to leave for ancient runes, she giggled and flicked her hair over her shoulder. "Honestly, that boy has no idea."

I chuckled and put the rest of my toast into my mouth as we climbed the first staircase towards the sixth floor. My brother was forever underestimating. I tried not to gasp and almost choked on my toast as I glimpsed my chilling reflection in every shiny surface that we passed, including the suits of armour. The food went stodgy in my mouth and I forced myself to swallow it, nausea rolling through me momentarily as I attempted to listen to Hermione as she recited everything she could remember about the subject from last year.

"-and ehwaz  is partnership- god, I can't believe I got that wrong in my O.W.Ls-" she was muttering, counting off things on her fingers as we reached the sixth floor. 

We turned a corner and crash! 

"What the- Wanda, are you alright?"

I swore and rubbed my nose, blood smearing across my fingers as I steadied myself on the wall. "Watch where you're going lass!" the suit of armour I'd walked into cried, jumping back and resuming its original stand-to position as I swayed on my feet and stumbled into Hermione.

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