11 | real life

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"IM SO BORED," nick says, leaning his head on lizzie's shoulder.

"what are the others doing?" she asks.

"chris is in a mood and matt's playing video games," nick complains.

"let's go find matt, then."

they get out of bed and walk out the door, on a mission for matt's bedroom.

there, they find chris laying on matt's bed scrolling through his phone and matt sitting at his desk.

"perfect, i was just gonna start a stream," matt says as he sees the pair enter his room.

nick sits on a chair behind matt as lizzie gets comfortable on the end of the bed. chris still doesn't look up.

"what's got your panties in a twist?" lizzie pokes his leg.

"he's out of pepsi," matt says from his chair.

"aw, poor baby," lizzie mocks chris. "go cry about it."

"i will," chris says, sass lacing his voice.

he sits up next to lizzie to get in the frame of the stream as matt starts it. matt is the only one playing games as the three sit around watching him.

lizzie picks up the bluetooth speaker on matt's dresser, connecting her phone and starting to play taylor swift. she chose to shuffle speak now this time.

chris groans, trying to take the speaker from her as she holds it out of his reach.

"nope, little complainers don't get the speaker."

"please?" he begs.

she just shakes her head and looks down at her phone.

chris huffs and crosses his arms, staying still until she's distracted and he shoves her to the side, victorious in grabbing the speaker.

he turns it off and throws it to the other side of the bed.

"wow," she says with her jaw dropped. "rude."

chris stands up and walks over to sit in nick's lap, wrapping his arms around the older triplet.

"okay, hello," nick gives him a weird look before hugging him back.

"chris can't live without touch," matt says.

"physical touch is your love language?" lizzie asks.

"no, that's not a thing." chris argues.

"it's definitely a thing, and it seems like it's your thing," lizzie replies.

chris continues to argue as the others just laugh at his stubbornness.

they spend a couple of hours in matt's room, him playing games on twitch while the other three shift around between laying on his bed and sitting up watching him.

"i'm done, let's go get food." matt says as he stands up. lizzie and nick get up from his bed while chris stays in the chair behind matt's desk.

"are you coming, dipshit?" matt asks his brother. chris rolls his eyes and dramatically stands up, walking past everyone and towards his room to get shoes.

they all end up in the van heading towards burger king. they get food and drop lizzie off at her apartment on the way back to their place.

riley speaks!
filler chapter filler chapter

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