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THE THREE TRIPLETS and their friend elizabeth were now sitting in the living room of the girl's childhood home, talking to her mother about tour so far.

lizzie was hardly paying attention to the conversation, much more distracted by the husky in her lap. "atlas, did you miss me baby?" he licks her face in response.

lizzie was the happiest any of the triplets have ever seen her. they could truly see how much family meant to her today. her two older brothers were currently driving down from vermont to spend the day with her, then everyone would be in the same house for the first time since last christmas.

matt reaches over to pet lizzie's dog, atlas. "he's so fucking fluffy," matt smiles. "oh my gosh, i'm so sorry for my language."

lizzie's mom just laughs, "honey, this is certainly not a house you need to be worried about that in. have you met my daughter?"

lizzie just smiles innocently from her spot on the couch, cuddling into her mom's shoulder. her mom had always been her best friend; acting as both of her parents had given them no choice but to become closer, and neither of them complained. her mom went to all of her favorite artists' concerts with her, always took her black friday shopping, they simply did everything together.

living in philadelphia felt so far from new hampshire, but at least then they could still visit over school breaks. now, she feels years away from her family.

after spending the day working in the garden with lizzie's mother, all four teenagers were even more exhausted than they get from a show. they were drinking homemade lemonade in the kitchen when lizzie's mom pulled her aside to chat for a bit.

"so, betty, in all honesty," marina starts. "how are you holding up?"

"i'm good, actually," lizzie nods. "it's tough being so far from home, but the triplets have really helped me settle into la."

"i'm glad you have them," her mom says. "they seem like sweet boys. nick is so fun, i could just squeeze matt, oh and the way that chris looks at you," she smiles knowingly.

lizzie just laughs, brushing off what she said.

"well, i don't want to get your hopes up so i honestly wasn't planning on telling you, but i can't keep this from you." marina says, "a new position in california has opened up and i qualify for it, so i've been working on my application."

"so," lizzie says slowly, "you might be moving?"

"i might be moving," her mom nods.

"to california?" the younger girl asks, "like the california that i live in?"

her mom just nods, a smile taking over both of their faces. "with your music career building up, i want to be closer to you and be able to support you through it all."

lizzie jumps into her mom's arms, having never been happier. they stay holding each other for a while before returning to the kitchen, where her two older brothers now stand with the triplets.

"zach! ryan!" lizzie screams, hugging both of her brothers. "oh my god, sorry i didn't mean to leave you guys out here like that. you've already met, i assume?"

all five boys in the room nod and silence settles over them.

"wow, the whole family in one room," lizzie smiles widely. "how shall we celebrate?"

after a long day in new hampshire, the teenagers are re-boarding their tour bus in boston. they all immediately fall on the couches in the lounge, lizzie cuddling up to nick.

they sit in silence for awhile until matt speaks. "so lizzie," he starts, "if you don't mind me asking."

"yes, matt?" she giggles.

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