41 | real life

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LIZZIE SAT AROUND the table with her best girl friends, all chatting excitedly about her album which would drop in two hours.

a quick knock on the door could be heard before matt, nick, and madi walked in, each wearing party hats and huge smiles.

lizzie jumped up to give them each a hug before looking behind them. "chris?" she asked.

"he said he's coming," nick responds.

lizzie had invited everyone to her album release party, including chris. although they hadn't spoken since halloween, she wanted him to be there as her friend. she wanted everyone to be included in the biggest moment of her life.

when she realized her smile was falling, she picked it up and returned to the girls behind her.

"everyone!" she says excitedly, "this is matt, nick, and madi!" she points to each person as she introduces them.

after introductions, everyone resumes talking about different things and lizzie excuses herself to her bedroom to 'touch up her hair'.

she sighed as she shut the door, running her fingers through her hair to get out any frustration, or whatever emotion she was feeling.

"he said he'll be here," she says to herself, nodding. she was extremely nervous to see him, but more nervous for her acting skills. how could she look him in the eye and pretend the past few weeks never happened?

she grabbed a water bottle from her nightstand and chugged it before checking herself in the mirror. she gave herself a quick pep talk and went back to the living room.

"i'm so excited," madi says when she sees lizzie. "i mean, i've only heard snippets so far and i already know this album is about to hit so hard."

"i hope so," lizzie laughs. "i've spent every hour of every day for the last month trying to make it right, and i'm still scared it's all wrong."

"nope," mackenzie ziegler says from behind her. "it's absolutely perfect and everyone will love it. now stop worrying and let's fucking party!"

it was 11:30pm and chris still hadn't showed up. she kept staring at the door and checking her phone. absolutely nothing.

she looked to the other two sturniolos, frowning. "he's not coming, is he?"

"he said he would," matt says. "he'll be here."

nick nods, "he can't miss this."

lizzie just nods, sitting on the couch next to nick to lean into his side. nick wraps his arms around her and says, "i'm so proud of you. you're amazing."

"i genuinely wouldn't be here without you guys," lizzie starts to tear up as she looks at two of her best friends. "thank you so much for everything."

"stop gettin' all sappy on us," matt jokes. "your talent is what got you here, don't underestimate yourself."

lizzie gives them hugs before they all sit around the table, a huge cake in the middle. it was almost midnight, and chris sturniolo was nowhere to be seen.

the tv screen in the living room displayed a large countdown to midnight as everyone excitedly started counting down. lizzie pulled up her album to blast on the speakers right as the day switched.

she blew out the candles on the cake as her first song, 'drunk text me', starts to play. everyone is screaming and taking pictures and hugging the girl of the hour, all while she can't help but think about the one who didn't show.

she smiled her way through whatever she was feeling and ate cake with her best friends. everyone stayed to listen to all thirteen tracks on her album before congratulating her and saying goodnight.

by 2:00am, only four people remained in lizzie's apartment. no one was speaking as lizzie stared at her mangled cake.

"he said he'd be here," lizzie mutters.

"i'm so sorry, lizzie," nick says.

"the moment i knew," she whispers as she turns to look at nick, tears streaming down her face.

matt furrows his eyebrows as he looks between the two. nick's mouth is hanging open, absolutely mortified at the connection.

lizzie grabs her phone and plays the taylor swift song before joining her friends on the couch, crying into madi's shoulder.

matt listens to the lyrics and it's like a light bulb went off in his brain. he shares a look with nick, who's furiously texting the youngest triplet.

riley speaks!
cliche song moment but i had to do it

in case y'all aren't swifties, here are the lyrics for 'the moment i knew'

you should've been there
should've burst through the door
with that "baby i'm right here" smile
and it would've felt like
a million little shining stars had just aligned
and i would've been so happy

christmas lights glisten
i've got my eye on the door
just waiting for you to walk in
but the time is ticking
people ask me how i've been
as i comb back through my memory
how you said you'd be here
you said you'd be here

and it was like slow motion
standing there in my party dress
in red lipstick
with no one to impress
and they're all laughing
as i'm looking around the room
but there was one thing missing
and that was the moment i knew

and the hours pass by
now i just wanna be alone
but your close friends always seem to know
when there's something really wrong
so they follow me down the hall
and there in the bathroom
i try to not to fall apart
and the sinking feeling starts
as i day hopelessly
"he said he'd be here"


what do you say when tears are streaming down your face
in front of everyone you know?
and what do you do when the one who means the most to you
is the one who didn't show?

you should've been here
and i would've been so happy


you called me later
and said "i'm sorry i didn't make it"
and i said "i'm sorry too"
and that was the moment i knew

kinda cheesy song representation but it worked so well i just had to

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