34 | real life

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THEY HAD SPLIT the group into two laser tag teams consisting of chris, charlotte, and nick against madi, lizzie, and matt. chris had fought extremely hard to be on the same team as matt, saying that was the only way he could win, to which the group argued would be unfair.

they all put the vests on while lizzie complains, "i have no idea what i'm doing i'm going to die right away."

"matt will protect you," charlotte laughs. "you'll be fine."

matt pats lizzie's shoulder, "yeah, just don't run off on your own."

"we're splitting up immediately," chris tells his team. "we'll all be snipers."

"completely opposite strategies," madi says, confirming that she'll stay with matt and lizzie.

once they get into the course, chris's team immediately splits up as matt's team finds somewhere to talk strategy. matt teaches lizzie how the vests and guns work as madi watches for the others.

while matt is showing lizzie how to hold the gun comfortably, charlotte jumps in front of madi and shoots her before running away.

"i literally lasted thirty seconds," madi complains. "do i get to be back in at any point?"

"yeah, we signed up for two rounds," matt assures her, "just stand by the door for now."

on the other team, charlotte was whispering to chris, "madi's out. matt and lizzie were too busy talkin' away to notice me coming."

chris just turned away, not responding, going the other way to find the two.

matt fiddled with the chain around his neck as him and lizzie were up against a wall, keeping lookout for the other team. they were both prepared to shoot as soon as they saw someone, hoping to narrow down the competition since they already lost a player.

they heard movement right before nick rounded the corner, matt immediately hitting him in the circle on his vest. "fuck!" nick shouts, "i'm out!" he screams to his teammates.

since the competition was now even, lizzie said she felt confident to split up. her and matt both stayed close to the wall as lizzie went to the right and matt went to the left. matt saluted her before the obstacles blocked their view of each other.

lizzie found charlotte quickly, and she shot her from behind before giggling maliciously.

"queue up traitor by olivia rodrigo," charlotte jokes while shaking her head, walking towards the door.

lizzie could hear matt shout from the other side of the course, evident that chris got him out. "fuck," lizzie mutters to herself. she was hoping she wouldn't have to face chris, knowing he'd win immediately.

lizzie slowly heads towards where she heard matt's scream. chris found her first, but didn't shoot. he raised his hands in surrender.

"you're not gonna shoot me?" lizzie asks.

"it's just too easy," chris laughs. "let's duel."

"that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard," lizzie laughs as she lowers her gun. as soon as she closes her eyes in laughter, she felt the vibration on her chest.

chris stood there, smiling victoriously.

"asshole," she muttered, shaking her head. they both walked to find their fallen teammates.

the next round started, and madi was confident she wouldn't get out as fast this time. she immediately was on the hunt for charlotte, wanting her revenge.

charlotte was the first one out, definitely not being quiet about her distaste for the game on her way to the door. lizzie didn't last nearly as long this time, chris immediately hunting her down.

"who got you out?" charlotte asks as her best friend emerges through the door.

"chris," lizzie shakes her head. she takes her vest off and shakes her limbs, thankful to remove the weight.

"of course it was chris," charlotte giggles. "he seemed a little grumpy to see you chatting away with matt."

"what do you mean?" lizzie asks.

charlotte just shrugs as nick comes through the door. matt ended up winning the round for his team, much to chris's dismay.

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