🐦🧢Hunter the super sleuth🐦🧢

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Hunter was sitting on his bed looking at a book that was until  a coven Scout walked in and told him his uncle needed him so he shut the book got up and put his mask on and he walked into his uncle's Throne Room asking him what he needed.

Belos: I need you to do me a special task I'm officially making you a private investigator for something.

Hunter: a private investigator for what.

Belos:I need you to go look for the human what Amity said was suspicious.

Hunter:I'll get right on that right now I promise when I find the human I'll bring them to you.

Belos: no I want you to bring them back to Eda if that's possible I'll finish up whatever beef I have with the human later.

So Hunter left the throne room.

Hunter: all right time to start investigating I'll go around and ask people where was the last time they seen her.

So Hunter went around asking people when was the last time they seen luz.

And everybody said they had seen luz last friday and to maybe ask Willow and Gus.

So he asked Willow and she said  she doesn't know.

Hunter: all right kid you better speak when was the last time you had seen luz:

Gus: I don't know either maybe it was Friday maybe it was Thursday or maybe Wednesday.

Hunter: you want to know something how about you help me look for her.

Gus: great idea we can help each other let's go look for her together.

Hunter: yeah together.

Amity:shit I can't let them look for her.

She turns to the board a bulletin board there was pictures of all their classmates and it there was  red circles all around their faces on the top of the board it said murder list and she was already plotting the first murder that being her best friend.


🦉🏠🔪Owl House Darkest Desire🦉🏠🔪(Finished)(old)Where stories live. Discover now