Chapter 28: Lovely, Lovely

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In the quiet sanctuary of the therapist's office, Sage settled into their usual spot across from Dr. Reynolds. The room emanated tranquility, with soothing colors and gentle artwork adorning the walls.

Dr. Reynolds leaned in, his eyes brimming with concern and compassion.

"Tell me, Sage, how have you been coping with your depression?" he asked, his voice gentle yet attentive.

Sage took a deep breath, mustering the strength to share their thoughts and experiences.

"It's been shitty, Dr. Reynolds," Sage began, their voice laced with weariness and hope. "But I've been incredibly fortunate to have the support of my friends. They've been there for me through my darkest moments."

Dr. Reynolds nodded, a warm smile tugging at his lips, encouraging Sage to continue.

"Maya, Layla, and Ezra have been... incredible friends," Sage continued, their face lighting up with gratitude. "Maya's love and acceptance have created a safe haven for me, where I can be my authentic self. And lovely Layla! I mean, Layla's my oldest friend, and her empathy and kindness have brought me solace when I needed it most. And Ezra, my rock, has been there to help me navigate the challenges while juggling work, dealing with dysphoria and finding a place to stay at the youth hostel."

Dr. Reynolds' smile widened, his eyes shimmering with admiration.

"It's incredible to witness the profound impact your friends have had on your life," Dr. Reynolds remarked, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "The power of a supportive community can never be underestimated. They've become your chosen family, providing the care and understanding that nurtures your spirit. It's truly inspiring."

Just as the session drew to a close, Sage's phone chimed with a message from Maya. Their heart skipped a beat with anticipation, sensing something significant was about to unfold.

Dr. Reynolds, sensing Sage's curiosity, couldn't resist sharing the heartwarming news.

"Before you leave, Sage, I have something wonderful to tell you," Dr. Reynolds said, his voice brimming with excitement. "Your friends, Maya, Layla, and Ezra, have organized a special surprise for you."

Sage's eyes widened, their curiosity piqued.

"What is it?" Sage asked, a mix of anticipation and emotion welling up inside them.

Dr. Reynolds' smile grew wider, his eyes filled with warmth.

"Ezra is currently going through the process to obtain legal custody of you," Dr. Reynolds revealed, his voice filled with joy. "Your friends have stepped up to ensure you have a safe and loving home. Your family has consented to this arrangement, due to their... abstention from seeing you."

Tears welled up in Sage's eyes, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over them.

"I... I don't know what to say," Sage stammered, their voice choked with emotion. "This means everything to me. They've become my family, my rock. I'm so incredibly grateful."

Dr. Reynolds reached out, offering a comforting hand, symbolizing the support that surrounded Sage.

"You deserve this stability and love, Sage," Dr. Reynolds affirmed, his voice filled with assurance. "Your journey has been marked by resilience and strength. Embrace this new chapter of your life with open arms, for it holds the promise of a brighter tomorrow."

As Sage bid farewell to the therapist's office, their heart brimmed with a renewed sense of belonging and hope. The path to Maya's place lay before them, where their chosen family eagerly awaited, ready to surround them with love and celebrate this remarkable step forward.

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