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Although he became fond of it, Hoseok never thought about naming his monster.

His monster still scared him every now and then but it wasn't on purpose, or so that was what Hoseok thought since the monster always let out a small grumble after.

Hoseok has had his monster for 1 years now, yet he never saw his monster (besides its tentacles) or touched it, being afraid to. Until one day after school.

When his mother picked him up from school, he quietly got in the car, only talking when his mom asked him about his day. When the car stopped in the driveway, he quietly got out then too.

He took his shoes off at the door quietly, carried them upstairs quietly, and closed his door quietly. He didn't even say hi to Mickey!

Once he closed his door though, he immediately threw his shoes in some random corner and belly flopped into his bed, crying into his Bumblebee themed pillow after claiming that Nemo was for babies a few weeks ago.

He cried his eyes out, not even hearing the slithering sound of his monsters tentacles until he lifted his face out of the pillow, seeing the pitch black tentacle right in front of him.

He flinched a little bit, just staring at it as it lightly swayed in the air like a cat's tail would do.

The staring went on for quite a bit before the tentacle leaned in and light touched Hoseok's face with its tip.

Hoseok quickly backed up at the feeling. The tentacle looked slimy but it somehow felt like cold skin which kind of freaked Hoseok out a bit. The tentacle weirdly had the same reaction as it also backed up.

Hoseok and the tentacle continued to have a stare down until it slowly started making its way to his cheek and wiping his tears away. The monster let out a low grumble that Hoseok could feel in his core.

Hoseok watched the tentacle slowly start going back under the bed, "Thank you...," Hoseok trailed off as he stared at the tentacle that peaked from under his bed.

"Yoongi. Do you know what Yoongi means?" Hoseok asked with a small smile, hearing the monster grumble from under the bed.

"I don't know what you said but I'm gonna tell you anyways. Yoongi means shine or gloss, and your tentacles are very shiny like they have gloss of them." Hoseok explained.

"Yoongi, can I tell you what happened today?" Hoseok suddenly saddened. Yoongi grumbled lowly from under the bed.

"I don't know what you said but I'm still gonna tell you," Hoseok jumped when he heard a different sound come from Yoongi, it was like high pitched bird sound for some reason.

"Today at school, we were painting and I really needed green but another group of kids were using all the paint so I went over there to get some and they started making fun of me, Yoongi! They-they said that I had a long face and that-that I looked like a house and th-that I should be put in a zoo!" Tears started running down Hoseok's face again.

"Hoseok, sweetie, I brought- are you okay? What happened? Is it something at school?" His mother came in with a bowl of animal crackers, the ones with the pink frosting. She immediately sat the animal crackers on the nightstand and sat in the bed next to him.

His day was pretty bad... Until he got to come home and name his monster who is now known as Yoongi.

Under My Bed {YOONSEOK}Where stories live. Discover now