Yoongi was that you?

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Hoseok woke up in the middle of the night, about 3 AM, a time he'd never been up before. His room was dark since he had grown out of his nightlight phase and was now begging his parents for LED lights everyday.

But there was a figure at his window behind his curtains, it seemed to be something looking out of his windows and it had tentacles, it's shadow covered Hoseok's wall that was opposite of the window.

"Y-Yoongi, is that you?" The figure flinched at the voice before turning around. Hoseok could see some of his face feature outlines from behind the curtain.

Was this even Yoongi though? The thing that Hoseok thought to be Yoongi, started slowly walking towards the bed, the long flowy white curtain following.

Hoseok immediately got up and scouted to the very corner of his bed. He watched as the thing came closer to his bed until it was 4 feet away, simply because the curtain wasn't long enough to reach Hoseok's bed.

Hobi screamed when the thing suddenly disappeared, like it literally vanished. It probably dropped to the floor and went under Hoseok's bed.

"Yoongi, please tell me that was you." Hoseok whispered, still cuddled up in his corner. His fear disappeared immediately when Yoongi let out a light soft grumble.

"You looked like Slenderman!!" Hoseok exaggerated as he laid back on his bed, pulling his pillow closer to me.

He giggled when he heard Yoongi grumbled in an irritated way.

"You're right, you're too short to be Slenderman."

"How come you never let me see you, Yoongi? You looked perfectly fine from behind the curtains," Hoseok asked after a while of silence.

"It's 3 AM, Hoba. All monsters turn into somewhat humans so they can roam around, I'm much uglier and scarier after 3 AM." Yoongi spoke to him in a human voice, something Hoseok wasn't expecting

"So I can see you now? Please?" Hoseok begged.

"Fine, just turn around first." Hoseok listened happily, turning to face his wall. He heard a bit of rustling around his room and he couldn't help but get nervous.

"Okay, you can look now." He heard Yoongi call out to him.

He burst out of laughter once he turned around.

"You look like a boiled dumpling, you're pale enough to be Slenderman!" Hoseok laughed as he held his stomach, now standing on his knees.

"Hey, don't make fun! This is the form I got stuck with!" Yoongi rolled his eyes before sitting on Hoseok's chair by his desk.

"How long have you been roaming my room at 3 in the morning?" Hoseok asked since Yoongi looked pretty familiar with the place.

"Eh, about 6 nights, I usually only come out for a few seconds but the rain has a different sound tonight, plus it's fun to be all the monsters roam around in society while people don't even notice." Yoongi explained.

"What do you mean 'the rain had a different sound'?" Hoseok scrunched his face up.

"You wouldn't understand, Hoba." Yoongi chuckled and shook his head, just staring at Hoseok for a bit as Hoseok tried everything to ignore his eyes.

"You're actually the kid I stayed the longest with." Yoongi said.

"You leave?" Hoseok asked surprised. He thought that Yoongi was gonna be his monster forever.

"Yep, why do you think adults don't believe in monsters? I'm supposed to disappear once your fear goes away, but that never happened for some strange reason even though your fear has vanished a very long time ago, I still remember when you were just a frightened 4 year old." Yoongi laughed.

"You should get sleep, kid, you do have school tomorrow and it's almost my time up." Yoongi said, not even giving Hoseok time to say anything before vanishing back under the bed.

"Goodnight, Yoongi."

"Goodnight, Hoba."

Under My Bed {YOONSEOK}Where stories live. Discover now