024. broken

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The three siblings -- all in gray jumpsuits -- are led down a flight of stairs and down a concrete hallway. They each stop in front of individual prison cells that are next to each other. Natalie looks over at her brothers before being shoved into the cell.

Natalie is sitting on the edge of the cot, staring at the wall. She only glances over as the door opens, but looks away before the guy walks in.

"Hi, Natalie. How you doing? Can I, uh, get you some coffee? Water? Or you hungry?" He digs through his pockets. "I got a chocolate bar here somewhere. Don't tell my wife. So... you've had a day. Wanna tell me about it?"

Natalie doesn't say anything, continuing to stare at the wall.

"Like, for example, why you went after the leader of the free world? Well, let me guess. You don't like cops. Hell, I get it. We can be real jackasses. But you're gonna talk to me, sweetheart. You just are. Now that's not a threat. I don't believe in torture. Doesn't work. Oh, I've seen folks waterboarded, cut on. And they talk. Ooh, they do."

"But they never tell you what they need. You know what does work, though? Every time? Nothing. See, when I leave, that door closes, and it stays closed, and you stay in the dark. Now, maybe that doesn't sound so bad."

Natalie ignores how she can already feel herself start to sweat as she pushes her panic attack down, knowing she's basically reliving her childhood.

"But after a month? A year? You spend enough time staring at these walls, just you and all that nothing, you'll get so crazy to talk, to see someone real, you'll tell me exactly what I need. You'll tell me with a smile. It'll just take some time. Of course, the thing is, after what you did, no one's in a hurry to get you that phone call. So you and me, we got all the time in the world."

Natalie flinches as the door slams shut. She takes a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut as she tries to control herself.


"You left them?" Mary asks.

"No, I... Dean told me to go." Cas says. "The woman--"

"The one you lost?" Mary cuts him off.

"I didn't. I... I thought that she--"

"Stop making excuses."

"We're not making excuses, Mary. Would you shut up for five seconds?" Jacob snaps. "Look, Dean, Sam, and Natalie told us to go. And we all know you gave birth to the three most stubborn people on this goddamn planet. Okay? Plus, we also had three kids to get to safety, not just a pregnant woman. So unless you know the situation 100%, you don't get to blame us for shit."

"Why... if they needed my help, why didn't they call me?" Mary asks.

"Maybe because you're never fucking here." Larissa remarks.

"How did we let this happen?" Mary sighs.

"Okay, you know what? I-- I have to go check on Athena." Larissa says, walking out. She sighs, running her hands through her hair. She stops in the hallway, leaning against the wall.

"They've gotta be fine. They're fine. He's fine." Larissa whispers to herself.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She hears the high pitched voice of her daughter and tiny footsteps running towards her. Larissa forces a happy face as Athena gets closer. "My dolly broke." She holds up the doll with the decapitated head.

"Fuck." Larissa whispers. "That's okay, baby. I'll fix it." She takes the toy from her.

"Where's daddy?" Athena says.

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