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After a few weeks at the new house, I've been starting to warm up to it. My room is almost just like my room in Hawaii, but bigger, and I actually have a full closet! My parents absolutely adore the house, and my moms been working non-stop today about these cookies she would be making for the neighbors.


"YEA, SURE! I'M ON MY WAY!'' I yell back.

We knock on the first door on the left of us, an old lady and her husband answer the door.

"Well hello! Were the new neighbors that just moved in the house right next to yours!"

"Oh how lovely!" replies the old lady. She's holding on to a book, and has her reading glasses set up on her head.

"Well, welcome to the neighborhood!" adds the husband.

"Well, we're here to deliver some homemade cookies that we've made that we'd love for you to have." Says my mom handing the cookie container to the old lady.

"Oh this is just amazing! We should be giving YOU the cookies!" Jokes the old lady.

"Oh! No need! Just here to say hello." Says my mom, brushing it off. "This is my daughter Sandra, she's 14 years old." I wave at both of them and the husband fist bumps me, while the old lady waves back.

"Well where'd y'all come from?'' Asks the husband shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"Oh we came from Honolulu, in Hawaii. My husband got a job here so.." She shrugs, "ya know. But it's a very exciting change!"

"Oh I bet." Jokes the husband.

"I'm Lilia, but if you like you can call me Mrs. O, and this is my husband, Anjelito. And welcome to Los Angeles!" Says Mrs. O

"Well it's very nice to meet you!" Says my mom, waving and starting to back away. The couple waves back, and shuts their door.

"Successful first meeting." says my mom, "here you give these cookies to that house, and I'll get the other batch and I'll join you." She says pointing to the house on the right. I take the box and make my way to the house. The lawn was dull, and the grass was dead. There were skateboards, and basketballs and tricycles on the lawn, lying there lifelessly. Same house as the one I saw the other week when I got here. I think to myself. I rang the doorbell, but no one responded. So I knocked on the door, twice. After standing there, for what I think was 2 minutes I started to back away, when suddenly the door opened. A teenage boy, who looked about my age, opened the door.

"Hello?" He asks, his eyebrows crunched together.

"Hey, uh, I'm the new neighbor in the house right next to yours, and my mom wanted me to deliver some cookies that she made." I say handing him the cookies.

"Who is it?" Asks a voice from inside a house. The boy made room for the lady coming into view. She had curly brown hair, and had an apron around her waist.

"Well hi!" She says

"Hi, were the new neighbors that moved next door, and my mom wanted to give you these homemade cookies."

"OH WOW! It looks delicious! Thank you very much to you and your mom for making this!"

I nod to her about to leave, when suddenly mom appears behind my shoulder. The same thing happens again, mom gives her a repeat that we were their neighbors, about the cookies, dad's new job, and so on.

"This is my daughter, Sandra, and she's 14 years old." Says my mom putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh really!? Dallas here is 14 too! His birthday is next month."

"That's so cool! Sandra has a friend she can hang out with around the neighborhood!"

"Is she going to Sparta high?"

"Oh no, I've decided to home school her for the first few months to see how it goes. I was a 6th grade teacher a few years back so.."

"Oh that's so cool! Well, welcome to the neighborhood, and thank you for these cookies. They look great."

Mom waves at the lady, and she waves back, and that was it.

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