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~warning: this chapter is very very very long

I hope it's worth it.

You were running laps around the Glade substituting for the Maze.
Because you were a girl, you could have one day off every week from running.
Newt insisted, he didn't want you to get hurt, so he gave you that day off. Minho wasn't very happy about it, so he said that you still had to do some conditioning. So in exchange for the day off, you had to run at least 5 laps around the Glade while the boys were in the Maze.

Speaking of which, they are due to be emerging in a few hours. After you finished your laps, you went over to Newt, who was waiting for you, holding a glass of water. It was extremely hot, hotter than usual, and you were sweating and breathing heavily. You sat down by him as you did every day, under your special tree. You ate at least one meal a day under that tree, and some nights you would sleep under the stars, also a nice getaway from all of the boys. Newt would sometimes sneak away from the homestead and bring you a blanket. Being the only girl, you had your disadvantages, but they were your family.

You had always liked Newt, ever since he first helped you out of the Box. You became really close since then, and you would spend every single spare moment that you could manage with him. But he never showed any signs of liking you the same way back. He treated you like a sister, and you were alright with that. Plus, it would've been too complicated, so you put the matter aside.

You gratefully took the glass of water with trembling hands and drank it down, but careful not to drink to much at once. You noticed your hands were shaking, and you suddenly felt woozy. But, you smiled and handed the glass back to him, hoping to disguise it.

"Thanks." You said, exhausted.

"Your welcome," he said. "How was your run?"

"You know the answer to that question." I claimed.

"I suppose that's true." He said as he looked at you. What he did next surprised you. His face fell, and his expression turned to one of horror and concern. Yours turned to one of confusion.

"Newt, are you alright?" I asked him.

"I'd ask you the same thing. You look really pale." He said as he placed the back of his hand on your forehead.

"You're burning up. Are you sure you're feeling alright?" He asked once again.

"Yes, I'm fine." You lied. "I feel a little dazed, but that's just from running." You stood, and immediately everything increased times ten...thousand. You swayed, struggling to gain your footing. Newt came rushing over to you, and steadied you. You looked at him and he raised an eyebrow. You felt a sudden wave of nausea, and everything was spinning.

"Okay, maybe not as fine as I thought." You said. You tried walking to the homestead, but you grew incredulously weak, and Newt caught you as you plummeted to the ground, and you passed out.


Your ears woke up before your eyes. It was like a dream, dark and echoing. You couldn't move, not even an inch. You couldn't open your eyes, you couldn't move any muscle in your body.

It was terrifying.

You could use all of your other senses though, you could hear the faint sound of conversation, you could feel the bed beneath you. It smelled like dirt and honey, with a little bit of mint. It smelled like the forest; it smelled like Newt.

This was Newt's bed.

You lied there, trapped in your thoughts while the commotion outside got quieter and the door opened.

The Maze Runner: Newt One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now