Griever Attack

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You've only been in the glade for 3 months when Thomas came. It was alright, you were the only girl there, everyone knew who you were, no one dared to mess with you. It was as if you were a keeper, whatever you said, went.

Newt was your first friend that you had when you arrived at the Glade. He is still your best friend, along with some other keepers like Minho, Frypan, and Gally. Chuck was the greenie before Thomas.

You were a Runner, took you a few months to get it, but you were a Runner. Every morning before the doors open, Newt would give you a hug for good luck, and you would head into the maze, confident. It was weird, like he was your good luck charm. One day, he didn't come, and you nearly got stung, instead you got a long, deep scratch on your arm. He was very concerned when you got back, and never left your side as you were getting treated. He was everything you lost, and you loved him for that. After then, he never missed a send off, he brought you blankets when it was cold or you wanted to look at the stars outside, he snuck you sandwiches now and then and you would eat them under your tree together. He was very protective over you, and you almost didn't become a runner because of it, but after two days of nonstop pleading, he finally gave in. He was all you've ever wanted, and you wanted to be more, but it would be complicated in the Glade lifestyle, so you kept quiet. Everything was perfect, you were a Glader, and you couldn't have been happier.

Then Thomas arrived.

He wasn't much different from the other greenies, confused, scared, and lost, because of their lost memories. But he was different, he was curious. He asked a lot more questions than anyone else, and he had a very strong passion to become a runner. Alby was giving him the tour, when an alarm rang out in the Glade. It was the alarm that sounded when another greenie was coming up.

Then came the second girl to ever be in the Glade: Teresa.

You had mixed feelings about her, but she was in a coma for a while, a week to be exact. Everything was different from the second she showed up and said a single sentence that was more terrifying than facing all those bloody Grievers out in the maze. Five words.
Everything is going to change.

And she was right. The sun disappeared, the box never went down, and the Gladers were starting to panic.

One day, you were walking around the Glade when Newt called out to you.

"Y/N!" He shouted. You turned to him.

"Newt! What's going on?" You asked him. You were starting to panic, yourself.

He placed his hands on your shoulders and squeezed reassuringly. "I don't know, but that's what we're trying to find out."

"Hey!" A voice called out. It was Alby. He was going over to Thomas and Gally, who got in a fight. Again.

"You two shanks cut it out! Do you even realize what time it is?" He yelled at them. You looked at Newt and your eyes widened in realization.

"Oh no," you said looking at your watch. "The doors. The were supposed to close 10 minutes ago!" Now you were panicking. You started pacing when Newt stopped you.

"Hey, calm down. Come on, we need to get weapons, and get to the homestead." He said to you. You nodded. "Alby, make sure all of the others are in the homestead too. This is going to be a long night."

"Good that," Alby replied. Newt turned to you.

"Let's go," he said. He grabbed your hand and you both ran to the weapon shed, and went to the homestead.

Frypan gathered all of his salvageable food and the keepers passed out blankets. Everyone gathered on the top floor and chose a spot to sleep for the night. You sat against a wall next to Newt. He kept an arm around you and you lay your head on his shoulder and get as much sleep as possible.

You hadn't been asleep for long, when the whirs and clicks of metal against metal and metal against wood started to approach the homestead. Newt wrapped his arms around you tighter and you snuggled in his chest. The sound got louder, and they started to climb up the wall. Everyone scoot closer to the wall on the opposite side of the building.

"Y/N, get behind me," he ordered. You obeyed.

Suddenly, a mechanical arm came through the window and grabbed Newt. He cried out for help.

"NEWT!" You screamed. You didn't think, you just ran after him. All of your fear had vanished and you charged after the Grievers who took him. You attacked them with every ounce of strength you had, but sadly it wasn't enough. About halfway to the maze, Newt managed to cut off the mechanical arm on the Griever that was holding him with his makeshift spear. He dropped to the ground and scrambled to his feet, running to you.
But before you could take another step, a Griever grabbed you from behind and was taking you with it out of the maze.

"NEWT!" You screamed.

"Y/N!" He cried out.

Newt, Minho, Gally, and Thomas all went after you, Newt leading the way. They all created a distraction, trapping the creature. They attacked it all at once, spears and knives digging into its skin. Newt cut off the mechanical arm, and it ran away. You fell to the hard ground, a little disoriented, but you could manage.

All of the Grievers suddenly stopped what they were doing, and went back into the maze. You stood there, like everyone else, frozen in place. Shouts brought you back to your senses, and you looked towards Newt.

"Y/N!" He called out to you, running towards you.

"Newt!" You said, barely a shout. You ran to him and met in the middle. You hugged him tight, afraid he would be gone if you let go. You were crying from all of the events that just unfolded before your eyes. You just broke down, right in front of him, but he didn't care.

"Oh my god, we're alive," you sobbed.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? Did you get stung? Please say you're alright. I didn't hurt you by separating the leg, did I?" He asked. You giggled at his concern.

"You saved me, thank you. I owe you my life. I love you." You said. He smiled.

"You don't owe me anything, except this," he said.

"What-" You started, but you got cut off when Newt kissed you. You tensed up, but slowly relaxed into the kiss and kissed back. You kissed longingly and passionately, gentle.

"I love you, too. And you can't get rid of me that easily," he said as you both pulled back, to see all of your friends, except Thomas and Gally, watching you two.

"How long have you been standing there?" Newt asked.

"Long enough to know that it's about shucking time." Minho replied. Newt laughed and you blushed a deep shade of red.

"What happened to Thomas?" You asked.

"Got himself stung on purpose, to get his memories back. You know, being the idiot shank he is," Chuck replied. You giggled.

They started to walk back to the homestead, and you had to get some sleep, so you followed with Newt, hand in hand. When you got there, Newt dragged his blanket over himself and moved next to you.

"What happened to Gally?" You asked Newt.

"Got taken by those bloody Grievers. That's why they left. I think they're taking one a night." He replied.

"I'm scared. Scared that it will be me, or you, or any of the other keepers. I just got you back, I don't want to lose you again." You said.

"There's nothing to worry about. I know that you are the smartest, fastest, only, most amazing girl I've ever known. I'll protect you with my life, and I love you. Don't be scared, you're too brave for that." He said. You smiled.

"I won't. I love you, too. Goodnight Newt." You whispered.

"Goodnight Y/N," he replied. You both fell asleep quickly, you felt safe in his arms. He was always your savior, and now, it was your turn to return the favor.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy writing and updating my other stories. I want to thank you all for sticking with me and if I get enough reads I'll post another one. Until then.

Much love!

~The Author

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