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You swear it will be the death of you.

You've always been curious as to what lies beyond those changing walls. You've been underestimated daily because you're a girl. You've always wanted to become a Runner, ever since day one. But you being a girl and all, the guys wanted you to play it safe. They almost didn't even let you try out.

That's just really shucked up.

Every time you ask something about the maze, they always dodge it saying the same exact thing: it's too dangerous, you can't go out there. You constantly got tired with your lack of answers that you received, and you were running out of options. Quickly.

A few months ago, you started to secretly train yourself to go out in the maze at night. They obviously wouldn't let you during the day, so you trained every night, when all the Gladers were asleep. You learned all of the techniques from the med-jacks, in case something happened. You studied the maps in the map room, and worked hard every day. A few weeks ago, you got caught training by Chuck, who took a lot of convincing, but you got him to keep your secret.

At last, today was the big day. Today was the day you were going out in the maze, at night. You got everything ready, and made your way to the dining building, where Newt was sitting at his regular spot. You had always had a crush on him, but you were just close friends. He was very protective of you, but you thought that was because of him seeming like a brotherly figure.

You got two glasses of water, and you poured some powder into one of them. If you were going to get away with this, you needed to make sure that Newt would be off your back. You were going to drug him.

You walked over to him and hand him the glass with the now dissolved powder.

"Hey," you said, setting the glasses down. "Brought some water."

He took the glass and drank it. You smiled to yourself. "Thanks," he replied. It would take a bit for the powder to kick in, so you has to stall him a bit. But not too long, you didn't want to miss your chance. The doors will be closing soon.

"Newt, I have to tell you something." You stated, your voice wary.

He noticed this, and he turned to you. "What is it, love?" He asked, his voice deeper and filled with worry.

"I'm going into the Maze. Tonight." You sat there, he nearly spit out his water.

"Are you crazy?! How many times have I told you, your not allowed to go into the Maze. It too dangerous." He ranted.

"I can handle myself out there. I've been training for months. I know everything I need to, I'm in good shape, and I've prepared thoroughly. I can do this, please just give me a chance." You begged.

"No, I have to protect you, you are not going in the maze. I've already lost everything, I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" He shouted at you. You were taken aback, he never raised his voice at you. But that didn't change your decision one bit. Your surprised expression turned into one of anger and frustration, his softening. "You are not leaving the Glade," Newt commanded more softly.

"Yes I am, and there's no way you can stop me." With that, you didn't waste any time. You ran to the homestead and grabbed your runner pack that you stole filled with everything you need, and dashed to the doors. Newt was already there waiting to stop you, but you could see the fatigue starting to creep up on him from the powder. He was getting more tired by the second.

"You can't do this," he begged, he realized just what you did to him. "Please."

Your heart broke, but you had to prove them that they were wrong, that you can handle yourself out there. "I have to. I'm sick and tired of being treated unfairly. You don't understand, if you really care about me, you would let me go." Your  voice cracked. The tears were threatening to pour out of your eyes.

The Maze Runner: Newt One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now