A chance encounter. (Prologue)

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Magolor has been talking to the Lor once again. Of course, it never responds. He's not sure if it's because the Lor can sense his ill intent, or if it's because the rumors of the Lor having a mind of its own are false. Magolor suspects it's the former. While he believes his goal of taking over the universe and changing it for the better is a noble one,he knows not everyone would agree with it. However, if the Lor did not agree with what he was doing why did it still let him use it?

Oh well! If he keeps thinking about this, he won't get anything done. Discarding the stray thoughts about the Lor's nature,Magolor floats over to the ship's monitor to check if the ship has reached his destination. The destination being the wish-granting clockwork star,Nova. you see Magolor hasn't had luck obtaining the master crown by himself. Although he has the power of the Lor on his side, it seems it may not be enough. Now if he simply wishes for Nova to get him the crown, that would be quite easy! The people may think he was cowardly for this...oh well! He could just simply lie and say he took it himself! Once he has the crown people would have to listen to him!

Magolor knows that to summon Nova, he has to go to multiple planets for it to show up. Still, there's no harm checking where it's supposed to be! Maybe someone already summoned it, and he can use that to his advantage. Perhaps, he can swoop in and steal their wish? Is that even allowed? Well, it's not like someone would just let him use their wish, how dumb would that be!

Looking at the monitor, Magolor sees he's getting close to the area where Nova should be. However, there is something strange on the monitor. The screen tells him there's some sort of life form ahead. It can't be Nova since Nova is a machine and technically not alive...Is someone making a wish? If so, this could be his chance! Making the Lor speed up to catch the person by surprise, Magolor reaches his location and halts to a stop. Magolor leaves the Lor and quickly flies over to Nova.

Flying past what he assumes is space debris, Magolor halts to a stop once he finally reaches his location. He is frozen by the sight he sees. Nova is there but not completely. Bits and pieces are scattered around the area. Gold chunks, along with the random objects that made the clock, now float haphazardly around the area. Stunned, Magolor tries to reason what happened to the comet that was Nova. Did someone destroy it? That seems possible. Maybe someone thought the amount of power the clock held was dangerous and needed to be destroyed? That may be correct, however it doesn't leave him less frustrated. What's he supposed to do now?! He doesn't have any other ideas. Maybe he could find the other clockwork star? Oh, but he has no idea where that one is!

Floating in circles in frustration with his ears flopping down, Magolor tries to think of a solution to his problem. Hmmm... Maybe he can rebuild it? No. Magolor knows ancient tech like the Lor, but not the one of a clockwork star. Find an ancient and ask them to rebuild? Too risky and probably impossible to do. Ugh, he's getting mad now. Maybe he could find the idiot who destroyed Nova in the first place and put them into their place! No. No, Magolor just needs to calm down. He needs to think rationally.

While breathing in and out slowly, Magolor attempts to calm himself down when suddenly something hits him. He gasps slightly and falls forward before quickly turning around to see what hit him. The offender is a person. Magolor remembers the Lor telling him about the life form and quickly puts together that this is them! The person is a ball of purple wearing a blue and red jester hat. They are face down and limply floating. Are they passed out? Do they know what happened to Nova? They have too! They're passed out directly near where it usually resides!

Magolor considers his options: he COULD bring them onto the ship and fix them up from whatever happened to get them to spill whatever happened to Nova. They'd have to after he helped them. However, they could be dead. He would just be bringing a dead corpse into his clean ship...He'll take the risk. It's his best option at the moment. Maybe after he has more info, he can figure out a solution to this whole situation. After making up his mind, Magolor scoops up the purple limp body of the stranger and begins making his way back to the Lor past all the parts of what was once the clockwork star.

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