Two Stars Collide

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   It's a nice day. Almost sunset and Magolor, in his cart, is handing the bag of tomatoes a Scarfy has bought from him. The Scarfy gives Magolor a bit too much money for the item, but he doesn't say anything as the Scarfy thanks him and walks away. Magolor takes a moment to stretch, today was another long day of transactions. His shop is quite popular despite Magolor not quite knowing why. Yes, he sells a variety of things such as weapons, books, food and some random trinkets he comes across, but he would think residents would be hesitant to buy from him considering his past? Oh well, he's just grateful he gets any customers at all!

  Magolor is relaxing in thought when suddenly, he hears some scuffling, gasping and whispering? Magolor takes a peak out of his cart and sees the locals gathered around...Something? Curious, Magolor floats on out his cart to get a better look at whatever seems to be going on. Magolor pushes past some of the residents in his way, muttering his short apologies as he does. What's everyone so worked up about? Is there some sort of monster? Is someone making a ruckus? Surely not, that would be foolish! After a bit of struggling to get to the source of all this crowd, Magolor finally manages to get to what everyone is looking at.

  It makes him freeze in his tracks. No way, this has to be a trick! Magolor simply cannot process what he is seeing as his eyes have to be playing a sick joke on him. There, right in the middle of this plaza, Magolor has set shop in are three familiar faces, and it makes Magolors stomach sink. The first he sees is Kirby, how could he miss him? The pink puffball is standing there with concern on his face looking at the person next to him saying something Magolor cannot hear. Next to him is the stern Meta Knight, Magolor cannot get a good read on the look on his face, which is probably because of his mask but still!

   Now these two aren't the ones Magolor is worried about, Kirby visits him a lot! It's always pleasant to get visits from your friends. He'd usually give Kirby some sort of sweet he has on hand, and they'd chat about how they were doing. Meta Knight is...Well he doesn't visit often, and when he does, it's quite clearly to make sure Magolor hasn't caused any trouble as of late. While yes it hurts slightly that Meta Knight doesn't trust him, he can't say he doesn't get it. But enough of that, he needs to get back on track.

   No, neither of those two are concerning to him, but the person in front of those two is very much a cause for concern. An old face he hasn't seen for quite some time. Marx, the eccentric guest he saved from space all that time ago, has his back turned to Magolor. What is he doing here!? Is his first thoughts. It doesn't make any sense! From what he remembered from their talk before him being on Pop Star makes no sense! Was he here to try and take over again? Well, if that's the case, he clearly got caught! Maybe just maybe he had a change of heart like he did, that would explain why Marx is with Kirby and Meta Knight. Why are they here though?

   As Magolor is lost in thought at this sudden development, he suddenly notices that Kirby has made eye contact with him, breaking him out of thought. Kirby seemingly says something, and just like that, Marx quickly and sharply turns around, and a big grin stretches on his face at the sight of him. Magolor is confused and, even more so, when an excited Marx starts running to him, jumps up and captures him in a hug with his wings.


   Marxs looks up at him, a grin still plastered on him.

"Mags! It's so great to see you again!!!"


"Marx!? What are you doing here!?"

"Oh ya know, just dropping by casually."

   Kirby and Meta Knight walk up to them, and Meta Knight is the first to speak.

"Magolor, sorry you had to be dragged into this, but you see we found Marx here on Pop Star, obviously to cause trouble."

Milky Way Forgiveness (Magolor X Marx)Where stories live. Discover now