The Study Of Marx

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   Throughout his travels across many planets Magolor has seen many types of creatures. Living plantlife, robots, even creatures that were on fire! However none of that compared to Marx. Magolor has never seen anything like Marx before. The fact he looks like a Noddy but can summon wings, summon vines and can even split himself in half! These thoughts have plagued Magolor ever since he first met Marx, even more so now that they are basically living together.

   Which leads Magolor to where he currently is at this moment, in his library next to a table with books stacked upon it. At the moment, he is browsing through a book about common pop star species. He specifically is currently on the Noddy section, there's not much there.

   'Noddy's are simple creatures who have a simple round body and pad feet. Their bodies are most commonly pink however, they can also come in other colors such as orange and even green! Noddy's are usually found asleep around well, right about anywhere in Pop Star!'

   Magolor rolls his eyes, this is basic at best! He needs something with more details. Magolor tosses the book behind him onto the ground in frustration and begins flipping through his stack of books until he stops when he sees one of potential. It's quite old looking, parts of the cover are damaged, but Magolor sees it is titled 'The inherent magic of different Pop Star creatures Vol.1'. Another book he doesn't remember gaining...Magolor opens it up and finds a chapter about Noddy's.

   'Noddy's are simple creatures, simple in shape and in form. However they are quite interesting in the magical sense. Each creature has at least some positive amount of magic in them that keeps them going. Noddy's are different in this aspect as they're one of the few species that have a very low amount of magic. The result is a creature which has very low energy and can overexert itself by simply walking for a small amount of time! This is why Noddy's are asleep so often as, due to their low magic, they in turn have low energy causing them to be sleepy most of the time!

Now, as stated in previous chapters, every creature has different magic amounts. Even if you're the same species as something, you don't have the same amount of magic as each other. The question is, is there a Noddy out there that somehow was able to have a positive amount of magic? Unlikely. If there is, then neither myself or any others researching this topic have found or heard of one. All in all, Noddy's are as simple and straightforward as they look.'

   Magolor blinks, processing and then busts out his notepad and begins to write down his hypothesis or well theories.

   'Theory 1: Marx is a Noddy with great magic stored in his body, and this allows him to do... Well whatever he does allows him to be awake and energetic unlike other Noddy's. However, him being born with magic would be a very rare thing and unlikely.

   Theory 2: Marx gained magic from Nova? More so unlikely as it would be confusing as to how Marx was able to even get to Nova in the first place.

   Theory 3: Marx isn't a Noddy but just another creature all together, or perhaps a hybrid?

   Theory 4: Somehow all of this is wrong, and it's something entirely different, and something Magolor didn't even think of at all.'

   Magolor sighs, closes the notebook and heads over to his pin board. Said pin board is decked with red string connecting to writings and drawings Magolor has made. This board shows the effort of the past hours Magolor has spent in the library. One may find this concerning. However Magolor enjoys researching something to his best extent, so to him it's normal.

   Besides, it's a distraction from yesterday's events...
   Magolor takes a glance at the state of his library, it's a mess. Books and papers scattered around the floor along with pens that long ran out of ink, books placed in the wrong sections since Magolor couldn't bother. Magolor knows later this is gonna be a pain to clean up, but for now, he turns back to the board to ponder.

Milky Way Forgiveness (Magolor X Marx)Where stories live. Discover now