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E P I S O D E  2 4 [√]p a g e  t w e n t y - f o u r  :  B R I G H T , D A M N E D

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E P I S O D E  2 4 [√]
p a g e  t w e n t y - f o u r  :  B R I G H T , D A M N E D

"sit there." takemichi sat on the long seat where players gather during time-outs within a play, "watch me train. eyes on me." the blond giggled when ran took his shoulders as he said those words in a very serious manner.

"eyes on me, too, habibi." rindou said, sitting down next to the blond as he tied his shoes on, "dapat isang mata sakin tas isang mata rin kay kuya." (you should have one eye for me and one eye for my brother.)

takemichi laughed merrily, finding rindou's tone funny, "okay okay, i'll watch you guys." rindou shoots him a smirk before tying his other shoe, "pag gutom ka, tawagin mo lang ako. punta tayo sa snack bar." (if you're hungry, just call me. we'll go to the snack bar.)

snack bar? oh! takemichi remembered ryusei mentioning it to him when him and senju were touring him around, "i'm kinda full. but okay!" the yellow-haired male said, nonetheless agreeing to what the other said.

ran and rindou went to the court to join their other teammates running suicides. since they're only using the other half of the court — another team using the other one — their coach doubled the numbers of times the players will be doing the drills before they go against each other for a match.

takemichi watches them sweat and flex the muscles in their legs as they run about the half-court; just by the sight of their sweaty faces and shirts damp with sweat made his skin prickle. not that he's being dramatic because he's an athlete himself but it just made him remember that time ran merely spent 5 minutes in the bathroom after playing basketball for hours. he could never do that. ran even smelled so good.

the thought struck his chest. takemichi felt his face flush at the notion, "oh no!" he quietly whined, bringing both his hands to cover his beet red face. stop thinking about it stop thinking about it stop thinking about!

"magbibihis ako sa kwarto. medyo shy type ako eh... baka may makita ka na hindi mo dapat muna makita."

(imma get dressed in our room. i'm pretty much the shy type so... you might see something you're not supposed to see yet.)

halaaaaa! (oh no!) takemichi's lips quivered, feeling his cheeks heating up excessively at the memory of the conversation between ran and him after he found the comforters, "a'a tama na please!" (c'mon enough already!) the blond whisper-yelled to himself as he look back up, hands playing with the hem his volleyball training shorts.

just when he looked up, ran was running pass him, looking at him with a curious look. after putting one hand on the polished floor, he was running back. ran pointed to his face, mouthing what's-wrong? as though he's referring to why takemichi's face is all red. takemichi could only respond by shaking his hand, mouthing back a don't-mind-me before ran could complete run pass.

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