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Estèe sat in her dimly lit bedroom, her trembling hands cradling a faded photograph of her beloved grandfather. Tears streamed down her face, leaving moist trails on her flushed cheeks. The weight of grief pressed upon her heart, suffocating her with its intensity. She could hardly believe that her pillar of strength, her guiding light, had left this world forever.

The room seemed emptier without the familiar presence of her grandpa. His laughter, once vibrant and contagious, now echoed as a distant memory. She closed her eyes, desperately trying to conjure his voice, but it eluded her, slipping away like sand through her fingers. The silence that enveloped her only served to amplify her sorrow.

Her mind wandered back to cherished moments spent in her grandfather's company. She remembered the way his eyes twinkled with mischief, crinkling at the edges as he shared stories of his youth. His voice, a warm blend of wisdom and tenderness, would captivate her, carrying her away on waves of nostalgia. But now, his voice was forever silenced, and the void it left behind seemed insurmountable.

Estèe clutched the photograph tighter, her trembling fingers tracing the contours of her grandfather's smiling face. The memories flooded her mind, bringing both solace and pain. His gentle words of encouragement during her moments of self-doubt, his unwavering support through every triumph and failure, all of it seemed like a lifeline that had been severed.

The room, once filled with vibrant colours and cherished mementos, now appeared dull and lifeless. The scent of nostalgia hung heavy in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of her grandfather's favourite pipe tobacco. The walls whispered the echoes of their shared laughter, their spirited debates, and the comfort of his presence.

Estèe's grief washed over her in waves, each one threatening to pull her under. She longed to hear his voice, to feel his comforting embrace, but all she had were the fragments of memories left behind. She clung to them desperately, afraid that they too would fade away like fragile wisps of smoke.

As she stared out of the window, her tear-filled gaze fixed on the darkening sky, she sought solace in the vast expanse of the universe. The stars, shimmering in their infinite beauty, reminded her of the timeless connection she shared with her grandfather. She knew that he would live on in her heart, guiding her through the darkest nights and inspiring her to reach for the stars.

In that moment, Estèe realised that grief was not a burden to bear alone but a testament to the depth of love she felt for her grandfather. Though the pain was searing, she found strength in the knowledge that their bond would forever transcend the boundaries of time and space. And as she wiped away her tears, a bittersweet smile curved her lips, a tribute to the cherished memories she held dear.

She fell asleep easily that night, knowing that no matter what dat was hard in the past, tomorrow would be harder.

The morning sun crept gently through the sheer curtains, casting a soft, golden glow upon the room. In the midst of the hushed stillness, Estèe stood by her mahogany dresser, her slender fingers trembling slightly as she selected a delicate, black lace dress from her wardrobe. It seemed fitting for the solemn occasion that awaited her—a farewell to her beloved grandfather, whose departure had left an indelible void in her heart.

Estèe carefully draped the dress over the back of a chair, her gaze fixed on a framed photograph of her grandfather perched on the edge of her dresser. His warm smile and twinkling eyes seemed to comfort her in this moment of profound sadness. Taking a deep breath, she whispered a silent tribute to him, promising to honor his memory in every way she could.

Her reflection in the dresser mirror revealed a young woman, her face etched with sorrow and traces of exhaustion. Determined, she set to work, mustering the strength to prepare herself for the day ahead. She tied her long, chestnut hair into a neat bun, allowing a few loose tendrils to frame her face delicately. As she fastened a simple pearl necklace around her slender neck, the gentle shimmer of the pearls seemed to echo the unspoken elegance and grace that her grandfather had always admired in her.

Turning her attention to her makeup, Estèe opted for a subtle, natural look, accentuating her hazel eyes with a touch of golden eyeshadow and a hint of mascara. She brushed a soft pink blush across her cheeks, blending it with care to enhance her natural beauty without overshadowing the somber occasion.

The final touch awaited her—her grandfather's favorite fragrance. She opened a small, ornate bottle of his signature cologne and closed her eyes, letting the scent transport her back to cherished memories of their time together. With a delicate mist, she anointed her wrists and the nape of her neck, allowing the familiar scent to envelop her, as if her grandfather's loving embrace were never far away.

In the corner of the room, a pair of black patent leather shoes awaited her. She slipped them on, their polished gleam reflecting her resolute determination to bid her grandfather a proper farewell. Pausing for a moment, she took one last look around the room, taking in the quiet ambiance and the subtle reminders of her grandfather's presence.

Estèe's heart heavy with grief, she took a deep breath, summoned her inner strength, and left the room. As she descended the staircase, she could hear the murmurs of mourning voices drifting through the house. She knew she had a long day ahead, filled with tears, shared memories, and the bittersweet celebration of a life well-lived. But she was prepared—prepared to honor her grandfather's legacy with every ounce of love and respect she could muster.

With each step she took, Estèe's poise and grace embodied the profound gratitude and love she held for her grandfather. And as she entered the world outside, the girl who had become a woman, ready to bid farewell to her cherished guardian, carried his spirit within her, a beacon of strength and love that would guide her through this day and every day to come.

1024 words.

Love you all <3

- Lex <3

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