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We finally made it to the airport, and the excitement was off the charts! Shaun, Adelie, and I were about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime – flying to Monaco for the Grand Prix! I couldn't believe it was happening. As we checked in our luggage, our chatter filled with anticipation, and we couldn't help but gush about all the fast cars and thrilling moments we were about to witness.

"Guys, can you believe we're actually going to Monaco?!" I squealed, hardly able to contain my excitement.

Shaun flashed his signature grin, "I know, right? This is gonna be epic!"

Adelie, always the one with the infectious energy, chimed in, "I'm freaking out, you guys! This is gonna be the best trip ever!"

We passed through security, and as we waited at the gate, we couldn't stop talking about our favourite Formula 1 drivers and the track in Monaco. The adrenaline was pumping, and I could feel the anticipation building up inside me like a ticking time bomb.

Finally, the moment arrived – it was time to board the plane. We made our way down the jet bridge, excitement bubbling with every step. As we entered the aircraft, we couldn't help but glance around like wide-eyed kids at a candy store. The stewardess greeted us with a smile, and we quickly found our seats. We were lucky to get three seats in a row, making it easier to share the thrill together.

I buckled up, and the engines roared to life. My heart skipped a beat as the plane started moving, taxiing towards the runway. The excitement was palpable – Shaun and Adelie were chattering about the sights we'd see, and I couldn't help but join in, talking about the beautiful Mediterranean scenery and the luxurious lifestyle of Monaco.

During the flight, we watched racing documentaries and discussed our favorite moments from previous Grand Prix races. Shaun even brought out his Nintendo Switch, and we had a mini Mario Kart tournament at 30,000 feet above the ground – laughing and shouting as we raced our way to victory.

Time flew by, and before we knew it, the pilot announced that we were beginning our descent into Monaco! We were about to touch down in the land of luxury and speed. Adelie had her face glued to the window, eagerly trying to spot any famous landmarks or maybe even a glimpse of the Grand Prix circuit.

As the wheels touched the tarmac, we exchanged high-fives, still buzzing from the excitement of the flight and the anticipation of what awaited us in Monaco. We gathered our belongings and stepped out of the plane into the warm air.

"Estèe, pinch me! This feels like a dream!" Shaun exclaimed, looking around in awe. 

I did

"OWWWW" he exclaimed "why would you do that?"

"Oh for God sake Shaun, be so fucking real." I replied, my voice tinged with disbelief.

As we navigated through the airport, I couldn't help but notice the Grand Prix banners and posters everywhere. The atmosphere was electric, and it was clear that Monaco was buzzing with excitement for the upcoming race.

Outside the airport, we hopped into a sleek black taxi and made our way to the hotel. Along the way, we marvelled at the stunning coastline and picturesque views of the city. Monaco was like something out of a movie – glamorous, vibrant, and full of life.

Finally, we arrived at our hotel, and the bellhop greeted us with a warm smile. We couldn't wait to check-in and start exploring this stunning city. But first, we had to drop off our bags and freshen up.

Check-in at the was a breeze, and we couldn't wait to see our room! The lobby had some sick vibes with modern art and neon lights, we were all awestruck at the vibe this place created.

As we entered our hotel room, I could hardly contain my excitement. It was like stepping into a dream! The room was so boujee, with plush furniture and a massive king-sized bed that looked like it belonged in a palace. Adelie jumped on the bed, and we all giggled like crazy, feeling like kids again.

"Dude, this bed is the comfiest thing ever!" Adelie exclaimed, bouncing up and down.

Shaun flopped on the couch, "For real! And check out this view! We can see the whole city from here!"

He was right – the view from the window was jaw-dropping. Monaco's sparkling coastline stretched out before us, and we could even spot the iconic hairpin turn of the Grand Prix circuit. This was going to be an epic weekend!

I plopped onto a cushioned chair and admired the stylish décor. The room had these cool abstract paintings on the walls and chic lighting fixtures that made the atmosphere feel cozy yet trendy.

"We hit the jackpot with this room, guys!" I said, still in awe.

Adelie grabbed the TV remote and flopped on the bed, "Let's see what shows they got here!"

As we flicked through the channels, we couldn't help but feel like we were living the celebrity life. I mean, it's not every day you get to stay in such a fancy hotel, right?

After a little relaxation and freshening up, we decided to hit the town. The hotel was right in the heart of Monaco, surrounded by posh boutiques and trendy cafes.

But we were all so tired.

"Guys, I don't wanna leave!" I whined, flopping down on the bed.

Shaun put his arm around my shoulders, "Don't worry, Estèe. We're gonna make the most of this trip, and we'll be back again for the best sleep of your life."

Adelie nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we'll be back in no time, sleeping our best sleeps!"

I groaned "Ugh fine, 

"Bye-bye, boujee hotel room!" Adelie said, giving the room a dramatic wave.

Shaun grinned, "We'll miss you, comfy bed!"

I joined in, "And the curtains – oh, the blackoutness!"

As we settled into our rooms, I looked at Shaun and Adelie and said, "I can't believe we're really here, you guys. Thank you so much for this incredible trip. It means the world to me."

Shaun hugged me tightly, and Adelie joined in for a group hug, "You're our best friend, Estèe. We'd do anything to make you smile, especially during tough times. Now let's go out there, act confused and find us some hotties!"

1037 words,

I really am keeping my promises!! I'm baaaaack!

- L <3

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